@freemo With all the scar tissue in my bionic schnoz it is worth a lot to work from a single sample, but I'll look more carefully after dinner. Thanks.
@freemo In the USA? I've never seen one for anything other than Covid except in a medical facility. A quick search of the world largest online retailer didn't turn up any either. Do you know a supplier who will ship to a US address?
@freemo I'd at least like my insurance to cover a box of 4 each year, but even if I could buy them OTC out of pocket, I'd just like to know cold / flu / Covid in one test that doesn't include dragging my sick ass to the doctors office at $100 a visit.
@freemo there still seem to be some glitches in the Home timeline. I follow you and this post is not in my home time line. There are a few posts, but it is missing most of them, including posts from this server. Am I doing something wrong?
@freemo We can say with certainty that concert pitch (actually set by A4 being standardized at 440hz today) was higher in the past - as high as A = 401hz. Not every instrument is tunable. Bells and some double reed instruments will never change pitch over their life times. By looking at bells from the 15th and 16th c we can tell that music was in general pitched somewhat higher then today.
The big innovation in modern tuning is equal temperament. All modern digital tuning has an precisely equal ratio between each half step. (about 1.059 to 1) This makes music work like you describe. Start on any pitch and the music will sound the same if the relative intervals are followed.
However much more than absolute pitch, relative pitch is hard without modern measurement methods, Prior to the 1700s the most common tuning was to tune in pure 5ths where every 5th was tuned by ear to a 2/3 ratio. It works pretty well until you get to the point where you go from the end of the circle of fifths back to what should be the note you started on. You find you are off by a scotch less than a quarter tone. This terrible sounding interval is a "wolf fifth" because it howls.
In pure fifths each key had its own flavor and so it was important to play a piece in the key it was written in. The major thirds that define the modern major chords are the most effected by these variations which explains why many pieced before JS Back and company are dominated by 4ths and 5ths that are safer in a pure-fifths tuning.
Bach's innovation which caught on across western music was to "fudge the thirds" to make them all sound similar - giving us the last common tuning the so called well-tempered tuning.
@freemo It is the word used in the region to describe the removal of Palestinians from their homes in 1948 in order to found the modern state of Israel. In the mouth of an Israeli Cabinet Minister, it is a statement that Palestinians will be forcibly and permanently removed from Gaza.
"Nakba" is no more a generic term in Israel and Palestine than "9/11" is just a generic date for people in the US.
- US residential electric service is lower power compared to most of the world (single phase - 210v) so the advantages of CSS2 for high voltage 3-pahse AC charging don't apply here.
- Tesla has 3 times more deployed infrastructure than all the CSS providers combined.
- The US adopted CSS 1 so there is not even compatibility with EU supply chains.
- Aside from Tesla, the EV charge providers are mostly paid to *install* chargers through court settlements and government grants. Selling electricity is not subsidized and low margin. The end result is that CSS chargers get installed, but not maintained. Non-NACS chargers now have a reputation for being persistently broken.
- In the same light, NACS ties payment to an account associated with the car. If the car has a valid account it is plug and play. CSS still has a pay-at-the-pump model which you would think would woke fine like it does at gas stations, but CSS chargers don't require an on-site attendant as backup and payment processing has a reputation of being cumbersome and spotty. Even if the charger is working, you might not be able to get the payment to go through.
Ethical question: Someone I don't know but share a common interest with posted a picture of a very cool delivery he got with the address blocked out but the tracking number clearly visible. Do I tell him that the shipper gives a partial address online and will give a complete address and photo of the delivered package if contacted by email? or is someone else's OpSec none of my business.
@freemo Also I've tried before when someone left a ZIP+4 visible and I pointed out that I could resolve that number to their apartment building. They blocked me.
Modern cities are the of their very nature dysfunctional communities. I live in a small one with only 2.3 million people and I would go back to a small town like the one I grew up in instantly if economics allowed.
This country bumkin likes places where people actually know their neighbors.
If the path to your ideal society depends on everyone agreeing to live by the rules of that society, what you have is a fantasy not a solution. The first question of social change must be how to accommodate those who don't support it.