@kims I think that's pretty clear tbh? Bonkers, but clear. No one's owes anyone. You owe nothing. I am definitely not any kind of expert but my understanding is that when you agree to accept a particular insurance, you agree that you'll accept their rates and not go after the patient if you think the insurer's rates are insufficient.
@dansinker@quinn guys. I say this with love and zero shame but have you ever tried not looking at a screen in the middle of the night? Insomnia truly sucks, but I always settle back down faster if I read or write (with pen, on paper) or draw with low light, than if I get out electronics.
@mekkaokereke I was a foster parent for years and every kid who came through our home was coming from a family with no safety net. Or the net was in tatters.
@veronica@futurebird I'm curious whenever he sees it himself. I feel like so much gen AI chum is just bad. An article titled "when to prune an apricot tree" has ten paragraphs on the principles of pruning, heavy on the hand waving, light on the actual guidance about where on a branch to cut. Followed by an equally empty section on what fruit is.
@kims I had a guy showing up outside my house screaming obscenities at me, frequently, while sending emails saying that he pictured my death. The cops said I needed a restraining order before they could do anything. He successfully evaded process servers for months, so we couldn't serve him with the order.
@lzg what about a very small pair of scissors (and maybe an embroidery project for cover?) that has a removable screw at the pivot? Or an exacto, but pack the blades apart from the handle, in a mint tin?