Notices by Thunderbolt_of_Kek (
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@Turkleton All the ziggers now need to side with Israel, or change their tune.
Nah, I'm kidding, they'll just ignore it because they're too dedicated to cheering on the destruction of White people in a White ethnostate by a mongrel eastern horde, because reasons (i.e. Fuentes and Anglin lying through their teeth).
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@Owl @judgedread Guess you haven't talked with many right-wing Christians?
There are plenty who want a religion test to belong, and a noisy minority who actually say they want to KILL non-Christian Whites.
Admittedly, there are plenty who DON'T say those things or who are willing to work with non-Christian Whites who share the same basic goals, too.
But "literally nobody ever" is simply wrong.
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@WoodshopHandman @nozaki @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @BowsacNoodle @MisterLister @praetor Lol, it's amusing seeing you idiots making up these elaborate fictions and obsessing ridiculously over a complete triviality.
You realize this is high school girl tier shit, right? "Ooooh, she's wearing a blue scrunchie instead of a puce one, that's, like, sooooo last year, dude!" "I know, dude, she probably doesn't even listen to Nigger Fagella's latest rap song about how much her cunt stinks, so uncool! What a square, maaaan!"
I don't care about your PFP and I care nothing for your opinion of mine.
Hell, I don't even care about mine, other than that it appears to get under the skin of a bunch of shallow dorks, so it apparently has that much worth, at least, for a little bit of amused contempt.
But, carry on, keep getting your panties in a twist like the ADL hyperventilating over a cartoon frog. 😏
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@d0c40r0 @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @nozaki @BowsacNoodle @MisterLister @animepfp @praetor Right now, I'm just seeing how many others can't resist stepping in this absolutely pointless tizzy over nothing.
It's the proverbial "watching a trainwreck" thing. Or the crash of an apparently very full clown car, whatever.
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@animepfp @MisterLister @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @nozaki @BowsacNoodle @praetor Not much of a nuke with a yield of 0.0000000000000000001 microgram, but it doesn't take much to scare girls, so presumably even that tiny "pff" impresses you?
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@d0c40r0 @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @nozaki @BowsacNoodle @MisterLister @animepfp @praetor Because a literal yo mama joke is the height of cleverness?
I posted a throwaway comment here to mock a faggot who was bitching about being called a faggot by Nicecrew because one of my follows reposted it.
Then this swarm of high school girls went hysterical for like 12 hours over seeing a cartoon frog in my avatar. You do realize this is really laughable and cringe, right?
Basically, you're making a mountain out of a worm-casting. Because you're triggered weirdly by a green frog.
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@d0c40r0 @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @nozaki @BowsacNoodle @MisterLister @animepfp @praetor You're young, someday you'll figure it out.
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@lonestarr @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @nozaki @BowsacNoodle @MisterLister @WoodshopHandman @praetor Damn, this avatar is the gift that keeps on giving. 😏
*Insignificant picture of cartoon frog is posted*
*Cringe nerds:*
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@nozaki @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @BowsacNoodle @MisterLister @praetor You have a vivid self-congratulatory imagination.
Maybe you should try some of that internet humility yourself sometime?
Later, fag.
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@BowsacNoodle @MisterLister @nozaki @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @praetor That's the entire point of bacon and pork.
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@MisterLister @BowsacNoodle @nozaki @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @praetor Well, I'm going to go eat, but I'd just like to remind you people that you've been sitting here hyperventilating and clutching your pearls over my unwashed presence because you got offended at the sight of someone with a cartoon frog picture making fun of a faggot.
Maybe the Boomerclowns are actually on to something with the "snowflake" thing. 😀
But, seethe moar, and have a good one, midgets.
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@BowsacNoodle @nozaki @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @MisterLister @praetor I'd have to care about being part of your coffee klatch first.
I'm here to post whatever I want to. If you choose to get spun up over it that's your business.
I wish you could see yourself from the outside. The sheer Boomer-tier ridiculousness.
If I cared what people think I'd be a normie. If you have a problem with what I post, that's YOUR problem, not mine. You should consider taking MY advice and stop trying so hard to impress your sewing circle. You have zero power over me, but you CAN stop being such a ludicrous prat and pretending you're special in some way because you shitpost along with half of the planet.
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@ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @nozaki @praetor What is "reddit spacing," kike?
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@Turkleton @Bunsen Probably warm, though. 😬
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@Turkleton @Bunsen Hitting the logistics.
I saw something with a fiber-optic hexacopter drone with a 25 MILE (41 km) spool of fiber optic on it. So they can reach out pretty far now even with smaller drones. Though this was more likely missiles or large drones (i.e. remote controlled aircraft).
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@ThePoastmasterGeneral He'll rip your, er, lungs out, Jim,
But I'd like to meet his tailor.
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@Escoffier Christianity is White genocide, and always has been. The jews created it to destroy Rome, which it did. The infection spread from there, was blunted for a while by the "Germanization" of the religion, but returned with renewed virulence in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Now its latest sect, Wokeism, has all the aggressive, sadistic people you would need to attempt to bring back the original in its pocket.
Though we probably know too much about the world for the original variant to ever work again except among very low-IQ people.
Whites don't need alien Middle Eastern religion or to grovel to an imaginary universalist rabbi ripped off from the Zoroastrian Sayosyant.
Just let it go.
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@koropokkur @judgedread @vonzeppelin How can any niggers possibly be useful?
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@koropokkur @vonzeppelin @judgedread Disagreed.
We'd be swarmed under by those filthy subhumans already if they didn't kill a good portion of their spawn.
Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
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@koropokkur @vonzeppelin Nor do they belong in our territory.
If nothing else, they'll be used to argue that "not all nigger are like that" and that's just a slippery slope to where we are right now, nigger-groveling anti-White Negrolatry.
They're the wedge in the door for anti-White racial Marxists to admit the entire fucking ghetto and force Whites to grovel to it.
So, they can go be not-niggers somewhere in Africa as far as I'm concerned.
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