"That the Nazis were our enemies: My God, please, we didn't need Hitler's seizure of power to know that. That had already been completely evident for at least four years to every person who wasn't feeble-minded. (...)
Our personal problem wasn't about something our enemies were doing, but what our friends did," said Hannah Arendt in 1964.
@paninid the people who talk about virtue signalling seem to be mostly angry that they are feeling some kind of emotion (guilt maybe?) for not having whatever virtue they feel is being signalled.
Like, sine wave (or sawtooth or even some kind of function to define wave shape), frequency 1000Hz, a given duration, maybe a function for volume (ease-in-out hah)?
I don't want an online generator - I have an app. I don't want to download .wav files.
Just like you can avoid video clips or GIFs by animating with CSS, it would be cool to be able to generate blips and boops with code.
Design maybe got too woman-y, the men flew out into UX. Then that has got too woman-y, and now people are starting to ring the death knells for that: https://trends.uxdesign.cc/
@joachim@fonts yes you've eloquently put much of what I was thinking - everyone has an opinion and lots of people think they could just "do design" (they often can't, but they still have opinions when designs are placed in front of them) - but if the design choices are backed up by all this laborious process, they can't really argue any more.
@fonts are UX and design becoming, or did they become the same thing? Are they the same? Should they be?
Please assume I'm ignorant, not that I'm asking probing questions.
Part of the problem I feel is that everyone, because everyone interacts directly with the design, feels like they have a stake in it, have ideas about how it should be, has an *opinion*.
@timbray@DavidDarnes there already are design engineers in industry working in design for manufacture and with CAD etc - so it's not an unknown term :)
The question to me is whether it can also be applied to software, i.e. UI, design systems, etc. I'm warming to the idea...
I wish I had the mental capacity to remember the stuff I would totally want to write into such a thing! My brain really needed this period of hibernation, it has just gone flop.
I hope she'll be back to being more active again by the 6th of January!
What I can say though is THANK YOU to everyone I've interacted with in 2024, online, in person, or via pure vibes. I've felt socially somewhat replenished this year 💜
My company's customer experience department has a "spicy to nicey" reward system for colleagues who have managed to turn an initially really negative interaction into one where the customer goes away happy.
Wish that other companies I end up in customer support with also did this!
But how accessible are they? I don't want to shame anyone, and I haven't yet visited them with a screen-reader on, myself.
I'd be interested to know about people's experiences visiting these or other arty, experience-based websites while using assistive tech. If any have been a particular joy, please reply with links!