@ltning@rubenerd Those hardware specs are delightful (and it says a lot about @grunfink's work that snac is svelte enough to run in such a constrained environment; I can't fathom attempting to run full Mastodon on such specs)
(or whatever notification you want like inotify or mpg123 or xeyes(1) etc). If you run a BSD that respects SIGINFO, you can even see how much time has elapsed.
Need a stopwatch instead?
$ time cat
Use control+d to stop. Again, access to SIGINFO can give you a lap-timer for free.
@dillo without a proper RFC/registration of a .unix TLD, this can cause possible problems. The footnote at that URL mentions that it doesn't exist, but that doesn't prevent it from appearing in the future. So if it were to move forward, I would want to see it officially RFC-spec'ed similar to .invalid or .local or .internal
The /etc/hosts (or unix.hosts) hack feels a bit…unfortunate. It prevents non-admin users (who can't edit /etc/hosts) from adding endpoints.
I'd much rather see it done via the protocol, maybe something like
@joel hah, I was the other side of the coin—I learned to use pr(1) (both for columnization and for printing on the lab line-printer) back in college (late 90s) and didn't learn about column(1) until maybe a decade ago.
for inserting a blank line *below* lines matching /pattern/ but sometimes you want to put the blank line *above* the matching line. For that, you can use
sed '/pattern/{x;p;x;}'
It swaps the current space with the (empty) hold-space, prints that blank-line, then swaps them back so the matching line is there to be printed at the end of the cycle.