@kaia if I may...
"Paul Stamets, a mycologist and author, told WBUR that humans share nearly 50% of their DNA with fungi."
@kaia if I may...
"Paul Stamets, a mycologist and author, told WBUR that humans share nearly 50% of their DNA with fungi."
@SeaFury 🐮
For anyone wondering, what does this rando know about animals?
Here's my daily checklist :)
The youngest calf loves to brush up against me when I'm around, even nose-kisses every day. I get cow licks when I'm feeding them.
My most ferocious cat comes to me when he's injured after getting bitten by his brother (who just wants to be) - I was worried about his swollen face, but vet wasn't available - opened a wound next to his eye that had festered and squeezed out disgusting amount of pus, while this boy sat there, wincing in pain, but knew I was helping. (He's recovered now)
The people I used to employ were scared of my young bull - "He's very dangerous, you should sell him off!" they claimed.
That was the case until I saw these people were being jerks to the animals most of the time (from my pov, rest of the village would agree they're doing nothing wrong). No wonder my cows and the bull gave them a tough time when moving from one place to other.
I talk to him, give a gentle nudge and he walks with me wherever I'm headed. He's more gentle than my excitable dogs.
Anyone who still thinks animals are automatons should work with a few species and learn how aware they are of who's who and how to specifically manipulate you to do their bidding - and it is not just food motivation, if they trust you enough, they'll run to you when being bullied or injured. They'll tell you when they're not well. When they're having a good time, they'll show you. And they're watching how you behave with others and adapt.
@dalias I haven't tweaked anything when installing this system, it is as the distribution creators have set it up :')
Do I wait longer? (I don't think the command should take this long?) Or do I reboot and risk corrupting the filesystem? What is the OS doing spinning the fan at full speed all this while? I can't even run top, I hit the shortcut to open new console tab 10 minutes ago...
Switching away from windowing to system console took a while, and over a minute to switch back. Not trying that again.
Much Windows 98 nostalgia happening X-)
I think I understand why Linux doesn't implement SIGINFO (Ctrl+T) - the system stops responding because you were extracting a 800MB xz compressed file on a machine with 8 cores and 16GB ram. (It's been 25 minutes now...)
What good is siginfo when you can neither switch windows, move the cursor nor press any keys?
Very pragmatic :catjam:
Okay, I am convinced that my compost is good enough and you're a happy plant, but, what am I supposed to do with all these citruses? You're just *one* wee plant! WTF?!
And they have the balls to limit passwords to 15 characters, demand a change every 90 days and only provide SMS as the MFA, but not to login, only for making outgoing transactions and I'm "anomalous" here eh?
The bank website kept rejecting "International Card Usage" changes for a week (citing 'anomalous transaction), while my bills were bouncing, and another team kept calling me for every failed transaction asking me to enable the same (which they themselves disabled when renewing the card), and asking me to install their app "because it will definitely work even if the site doesn't".
Smells like someone has targets that need to be met. Sigh.
Uh, now for no clear reason, since last few days, even Mint Linux has been doing the same thing as Ubuntu does from the moment it is installed: freezing sporadically for seconds at a time, frequently enough that the experience is more annoying than productive.
And finally it completely froze, forcing me to power the laptop down. Since ZFS isn't available on this system, I'm starting it back up with much anxiety. Let's hope it doesn't pull an Ubuntu on me and refuse to boot after a single crash
Happy to see the sun after a while :)
Year number go up!
@whitequark @dalias @glyph @mcc +1
// I was wary of passkeys because of the hype by Big companies (never a good sign, as we can see now that it's been a while) - however I am satisfied with the solution via keepassx + firefox + syncthing. Works on all my machines on the sites where I've set it up.
Wow this really resonated with many!
For anyone considering this path, it's possible to provision enough panels and battery backup to not be constantly reminded of being off-grid, if your budget and geography allows, but I've come to appreciate the awareness towards weather that being completely dependent on the sun shining has brought into my daily life.
Thank you for the boosts and faves. I didn't think my posts could go this far. Fediverse rocks because you do!
Been 5 years I haven't had a mains line for electricity. Living off the sun in a location where it is cloudy most of the year is feasible if you can turn off power hungry devices when not needed or when it's been very overcast. This has become a habit now and I have no regrets.
Grateful for this exercise in being always aware of my power demands and what my environment can afford me.
@morph yes, I'm close to the max elevation for these hills, with a catchment area not larger than 4sq km - there's a *lot* of water flowing through my small valley, but nothing to worry about.
Just that my animals are very bored, and cows who insisted on going out in rain in the morning weren't too happy about it by late evening.
Weather forecast says heavy rains for next three days, so got everything that I needed for the next week; mostly pet food.
Now having a chai before riding through that misty village below to my farm another 30ish min away.
Tends to soil, plants and various animals on a small farm somewhere in the hills of Kodaikanal, India. Rides a 2008 Royal Enfield Thunderbird everywhere.No ideologies, handful labels. Friend to life in all shapes and forms.Expect photos, anecdotes and rants about living off-grid in middle of nowhere with occasional motorcycle rides.He/him.
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