In my current re-read of LOTR, I keep tripping over how good Sam is to Frodo juxtaposed with how unnecessarily cruel he is to Gollum. I think there's an uncomfortable hanging question about how things might have gone differently if Sam had taken cues from Frodo on how to behave toward Gollum.
MNT looks really cool. Thank you for making me aware!
- Actually open hardware
Can you say more about what this means and why Framework's hardware doesn't qualify? I believe you, but don't have the knowledge and would love to hear more of your thoughts!
Wanted to check if you had a chance to see my thoughts above about what I see as denialism in LOTR. Hubzilla/Mastodon federation is a little weird sometimes, and people don't always get notified when they are tagged.
Doesn't everyone affected by the Ring engage in some kind of denial? The entire idea that maybe there's a way of preserving the Ring while defeating Sauron seems like a pretty tidy analogy for the idea that maybe we can avoid confronting climate change.
Examples from the book: Isildur, Boromir, Smeagol.
Currently re-reading _The Two Towers_, and just finished "The Black Gate is Closed," where Smeagol says, "Don't take the Precious to Him! He'll eat us all, if He gets it, eat all the world. Keep it, nice master, and be kind to Smeagol. Or go away, to nice places, and give it back to little Smeagol. Yes, yes, master give it back, eh? Smeagol will keep it safe; he will do lots of good, especially to nice hobbits."
I live in the Boston Area with my spouse and child, and am a university lecturer teaching courses in #GIS and #FoodSystems. I am a #CarFree #bicycle commuter, and like #nature observation, #foraging, making #crafts, #DeepCanvassing, and talking about #BigIdeas.In my academic life, I do a lot of computer modeling, and I'm a big fan of #SystemsDynamics thinking. I used to hang out with the #STS folks at Harvard, which has helped shape my thinking.Ideas expressed are my own opinions and not those of my employer.