@goatsarah I am CIS but I cannot understand this illogical trans hatred. I guess it is like racism and hate a minority to stir the rabble but totally utterly baseless. I wouldn’t have known you were trans without you telling me. Makes no difference, two happy women enjoying themselves
@georgetakei in the Uk we had a washing powder called Lux. Their ad said “ if it’s safe in water it’s safe in Lux”. They got a complaint that started “about my goldfish”
@christineburns@ChrisMayLA6@Nicovel0 Tesla batteries are very different to those of other car makers so a factory can serve more than one manufacturer. Nissan has a battery factory and Jaguar Rover getting one. As for lithium I gather the only UK source so far is in abandoned mines in Cornwall
@goatsarah I joined at age 71. Not noticed transphobia. There was the leader who was against same sex marriage and one MP is bisexual. Not detected transphobia
TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS old bloke living on Welsh border. Lib Dem member. Drive an EV. If you have no posts and no biog save me the trouble of blocking you