@inthehands whenever I see someone post that guys posts I can only think about jwz’s anecdotes about him leaving the Netscape bathrooms uninhabitable every time he used them, and how thats what my timeline feels like after seeing his posts
@steve@cr1901@pkhuong and even with that, compilers will often sever the dependency explicitly by doing an xor or movsx/xx to the destination at the start of an operation chain
the other thing that makes 16 bit operations slow on some uarches iirc is a penalty for the operand size prefix byte
@steve@cr1901@pkhuong nonetheless it is absolutely the right thing for a contemporary ISA to not have unnecessary partial register updates in the first place, to cr1901’s point about risc-v. luckily AMD at least figured that out by the time they designed x86-64
@emily it's longstanding intel tradition. the 8085 had the 8-bit registers A, B, C, D; the 8086 made them 16-bit AX "A extended" etc.; then the 80386 made them 32-bit EAX "extended A extended"
@helge@mcc maybe there's a happier timeline where the object-oriented hype phase was just people adding Smalltalk on top of every language, instead of whatever C++ and Java is
We're excited to announce NAPL, a special-purpose tool that is emphatically *not* a general purpose programming language! *5 seconds later* We regret to inform you that NAPL is accidentally Turing-complete
instead of using file extensions and having the OS map those to file icons, why don't we just put all the file icons in Unicode and start filenames with an emoji to indicate the file type
@helge@mattiem@calicoding the particular instructions used for refcounting get speculatively executed as if they were nonatomic, so in the case where there's no contention, there's very little overhead (because the atomic codegen still needs more instructions than a nonatomic update, etc.) if it turns out later the memory location was contended then you throw all that work away and do it properly