@quinn@ianb@withaveeay And hardly anyone (general public, that is) understands or appreciates this. We only got a taste in the GFC and central banks pretty much rode to the rescue...blowing up a whole new set of bubbles in doing so.
There are plenty of good reasons to refuse "AI" and climate destruction is definitely one of them. If you're in a position to choose services, vendors, platforms, and how you do tech, please avoid this stuff like the plague that it is and help collapse their business model quickly.
@aral Dear French left: Thank you for rescuing the country as it stood on the precipice of fascist takeover! Whew! That was close.
In return I give you absolute fuck all. Instead, I will foist on you a right-wing caretaker administration that will ensure you have no say in the government. The structural problems plaguing our nation will be cans kicked down the road and the far right extremists will organise on the back of our failure.
Just in case you missed it: Microsoft is pimping its weaponised bullshit generation to oil companies in order to help them find new places to drill.
That's right. Using insane amounts of energy right here in the present to make it easier for the climate wreckers to wreck the climate even harder in the future.
A gentle reminder to just say no to any and all companies that peddle this snake oil.
Screenshot of Newsroom email in my inbox this morning. There is no greater rage than that induced by having unethical, stupid people making far-reaching decisions on our behalf. This govt is costing us billions and wrecking the planet.
The best (so far) breakdown and attribution of responsibility/blame in the #crowdStrike fiasco that I've read so far. Really lays a decent chunk of it at Microsoft's doorstep where it belongs (CS fucked up, bigtime, but MS didn't even vet the kernel driver code...WTAscreamingF)
@br00t4c And in doing so deprives American consumers of the ability to get inexpensive and reasonably sized EVs. It's a good news/bad news situation and blatant protectionism for US automakers, who have abandoned the idea of providing useful, appropriate transportation choices in favour of making stupid bloated Wankpanzers.
he/himvi/vimVintage 319 ppm CO2Musician since the beginning, oddball, techie luddite, biochar entrepreneur/evangelist, MMT proponent, deep green, outspoken, cantankerous and neurodivergent.Life goal: to see billionaires go extinct.Tolerance is a social contract.