Chinese Cop Balls. These are designed to replace actual cops on the beat. According to reports, they can travel up to 22 MPH and weigh about 275 pounds. They're all terrain, and supposedly can go upstairs.
These robot balls are equipped with nets, tear gas, and grenades. This is what I call a commie ball.
I don't agree with everything that Rand Paul says... In fact, I find some of the things he says questionable. But he's one of the few in DC that comes close to what I would call a Patriot, so I'll take what I can get.
No, he wasn't. He was the most sane of the leaders. What was left after he was assassinated by Stalin and and Lenin was the Psychos. You never did your research.
Trotsky wanted the real socialist/communist dream. The others did not.
I don't hate government. I hate ideologies, government has nothing to do with it. What you dislike about the government is doing is because an ideology is corrupt.
Blame has to be placed correctly for the problem(s) to be fixed, or it'll never be fixed. The left, the entire left, is to be blamed for all the problems in governments around the world.
They are racist, prejudiced, classist, wasteful, domineering, controlling, and all they want is power. This includes their voters.
From what it sounds like to me, she's playing like she's a "hip conservative" when she's not by using the libtard slang (she's a leftist). She doesn't know what she's talking about.
She's a millennial, just like her mom, most likely. The MSM politicized the generations and mixed everyone up.
Gen X ended in 95. Millennials should be 96-2026. 2027 is when Gen Z starts.
Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Published Author (under a pen name), Episcopalian ✝️, and AI Artist. My opinions & posts are my own.My AI Art is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. (all rights reserved). All shared content is shared under Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act.The United States of America IS NOT a Democracy, America is a Constitutional Federal Republic.Location: Hawaii, United States of America