I tested negative Thursday, Friday, and this evening. Hubby still tested positive Friday and his symptoms have worsened so I've taken over the master bedroom except for meals that we share in the living room with the window wide open. He's sleeping on the air mattress in the studio. We did watch football together today with both of us masked and the window wide open.
I go back to work tomorrow where I'm masked so that should be fine. The test is to see if I can make it through the day. I'm up to it mentally but physically I'm not sure.
We're interviewing a candidate tomorrow at work and I'm scheduled to be at the interview dinner, so that will be a long day. There is outdoor seating at the restaurant so I'm hoping that having another unmasked in a public setting being forced on me doesn't backfire.
@matthewlittleNC@fatbot I have a torn Achilles right now, a year after injury I'm finally seeing a surgeon. Why? The original orthopedist said diet and exercise will cure the pain as it's just from being fat. For 6 months I was walking daily on a torn Achilles before she sent me for an MRI. When the MRI showed the tear, she finally gave me an orthopedic boot and sent me to an ankle specialist.
Working with the ankle specialist, the first thing he said was "I see your record. This is an overuse injury, not an injury from being fat." For 6 months I was making it worse!
This is the care I get for being fat. No amount of exercise is going to fix a torn Achilles!
The doctor's office called. I have to go to urgent care to get a prescription for paxlovid. I said to the nurse "a non-PCR test said I'm positive for Covid, so most likely I'm positive. I'm symptomatic. You want me to go to a medical facility, around other people who aren't masked, and presumably I'd go unmasked. Is this really the medical advice you're providing me?" He stammered then said he'll see if my doctor will consent to a virtual visit for the prescription. Yeah. #CovidIsNotOver#MaskUp
US friends: I was at the post office today, masked of course, and the window clerk asked if we had already received our Covid tests by mail. We said we had, and she asked if we wanted more. Of course!! She said they have hundreds in the back. She brought us 10 tests! WOOHOO!!
Check with your post office to see if you can score more tests.
@dillyd if you zoom in on the photo @studiofox posted, there's a guy standing between the barricades wearing a yellow T-shirt and he has an orange fanny pack that's reminiscent of the ones they wear at Wienermobile events. So maybe no costume.
I'm somcak, a #librarian currently in #Ohio. I have 2 mini #dachshunds and 2 #cats. I enjoy all sorts of music, yes, even death metal on occasion!
I've been on Mastodon since October 2022, and this is my 5th server.
I use content warnings for all sorts of stuff, just trying to be considerate! I always make sure there's #AltText and #CamelCase for my own posts as well as those I boost. #Accessibility matters. I enjoy learning about #history and #archeology, particularly the #neolithic. I'm also interested in #UrbanPlanning and how we can make communities greener. I have an #ebike and care about #CompleteStreets.
I was reminded this morning of this real life story that happened a little over 6 years ago. I was living in Connecticut at the time. Hubby picked me up from work. On the drive home, we had to go down a residential street, with a park on the left and houses on the right. As we're on the street, I see a small critter, it looks like a tiny puppy, in the middle of the street.
I told hubby to stop. As he's rolling to a stop, images of introducing this little brown puppy to our house are playing though my head. I throw open the door, and hop out, seat belt falling from my arm as the car rolls to a stop.
As I start to approach the puppy, something trips in my brain. It's got course fur. Like really course. It's beady black eyes turn towards me. This is no puppy. I pause. We stare at each other for a second, maybe two. Then it charges at me.
I run back to the car, hop in so fast that I bruise my arm on the door frame. GOOO!! I yell at hubby. The door isn't even closed and I yell again "IT'S AFTER ME!!!" He finally starts to go, saying he's probably gonna hit it. He doesn't.
What was it? I had never seen such a critter before. It had course brown fur, beady black eyes. I get on my phone and frantically search for common wild animals in Connecticut that fit this description. It wasn't a squirrel, not a beaver. Groundhog!! It was a fucking juvenile groundhog!!
And that my friends is my groundhog story. I still live in fear of them.
librarian, world traveler, mom to 2 #dachshunds River & Bucky, and 3 #cats Zoie, Pippin, & Brienne. interests include #UrbanPlanning, #PublicTransit, and #archeology, particularly the #neolithic. Mansplainers will be blocked!#BlackLivesMatter #AccessibilityMatters I support and stand with my #LGBTQIA+ friends and family.