Notices by Sulla (, page 2
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@Escoffier @somemightsay You don't want my advice, but you say you do.
For a church to be alive, it has to have a valid Eucharistic celebration, produced by priests validly appointed in an unbroken line to the Apostles and practiced the way it was practiced since the beginning. That leaves exactly two choices: Catholic and Orthodox.
Everything else is larping bullshit.
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@Escoffier @somemightsay It's frustrating.
> Hey! Don't divide the Body of Christ, dude! And by the way, the fissiparousness and sloth associated with that is related to the sloth and indifference we see among Christians when it comes to defending their culture.
> Oh yeah? Well, what am I supposed to do then?
> Dunno? Not that thing I said not to do? Something else, I guess?
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@Escoffier @somemightsay Well, your solution seems to be that you'd establish your own church in your basement, along with your family and some friends. Or, if you wouldn't do that, exactly, it would be a thing that you might legitimately do.
And the point I have been trying to make - and the point you seem to agree with, without knowing it - is that the attitude making you disinclined to defend your religious community is the same attitude making Christians disinclined to defend their secular communities.
I'll just start my own church, find a better church, move to a different neighborhood, voat harder, send a donation to Trump, whatever, whatever, whatever. It's the same vice, and that vice is sloth - the indifference to performing some duty you must perform. And it turns out, you have a duty to fight for what is yours.
You ask what one should do when the Spirit leaves a church, and you answer: you abandon it. But then you ask what one should do when that same Spirit leave a nation, and you are shocked when other Christians answer: you abandon it. If you can't see that it's the same animating principle...
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@Escoffier @somemightsay As. Opposed. To. Maybe. Not. Being. An. Atomized. Individual?
Does that help clarify?
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@Escoffier @somemightsay Yeah, well, that doesn't mean every person's home just did what they wanted, see?
Anyway, the Catholics are about as corrupt and degenerate as the Protestant churches who reacted to the corruption and degeneracy, as your struggle to find a "living church" would suggest. Except with them, you get all the corruption and degeneracy but no valid Eucharist.
But you could always go Orthodox if the specter of popery haunted you so much.
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@Escoffier @KingOfWhiteAmerica @James_Dixon @somemightsay Literally every single Christian believed otherwise for 1,500 years, but you've got it figured out.
So fucking tiresome.
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@bobbala @KingOfWhiteAmerica @transgrammaractivist @Snidely_Whiplash @doctorsex @matty @James_Dixon @PeterPower @TrevorGoodchild @abner >The point is you have the Bible. It doesn't need to be rewritten by men.
It does, you dumb bastard, because, for example, Arians denied the Trinity but kept the bible. The fucking Mormons affirm scripture, but cannot affirm the Creed.
That's why. Very basic.
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@sickburnbro @graf @TrevorGoodchild No. They exist to keep presidents from getting their heads exploded. This is a pass/fail class. Big boy rules, friend.
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@graf @sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild I don't think that's right. I think it was after Lincoln that they took over protection.
That means they lost three (Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy) and should have lost three more (Roosevelt, Reagan and Trump - they survived assassins getting through the protection). That's 6 losses out of 29. 20% failure rate is not very good, I think.
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@TrevorGoodchild @BarelyEagle @sickburnbro @Seattle_Guy @PopulistRight Yeah. I would say his most critical failing is his lack of loyalty. Merchants think everything is subject to contract, but real life requires reciprocal duties & rights. And we saw that in 2020, when there was exactly nobody willing to stick his neck out for Trump, except grifters and psychos (and the stupidly trusting (sad)).
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@sickburnbro @epictittus @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KiKi88 @matty @DMA Surely some sort of prudential judgment can be used to draw a rational line, yes? The point is that you have to cut quite a bit more deeply than some people think, and the reason is that fakers are everywhere after a revolution.
Want another example? The Spanish allowed jews to convert instead of being exiled. And then the Inquisition had to spend a lot of time figuring out whether these conversios were legitimate or whether they were trying to hijack the entire society.
Spoiler: they were trying to hijack the entire society.
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@sickburnbro @epictittus @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KiKi88 @matty @DMA Stop that. That's not at all the assumption. The assumption is that people who are determined to fuck shit up are, in fact, determined to fuck shit up. Look, after the American Revolution, they sent Tories back to England by the literal boat load. Why? Because they cannot be part of our thing if they were determined to be on the other side.
Same thing here.
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@epictittus @sickburnbro @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KiKi88 @matty @DMA And also what defeated the Franco revolution. He loved his countrymen and didn't want any more than absolutely necessary to be killed. But he did not understand how large the "absolutely necessary" number was.
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@Aly @Punished_Potatus @sickburnbro @Starprophet1 @DW2 @TrevorGoodchild I recall back in the day, people would kind of tsk-tsk their parents staying together for the kids. Like, "Oh, that's so sad and non-self-actualized."
As if the environment where mom & dad get chippy with each other on the regular is worse than the one where mom has new "uncles" each month for a sleepover and dad is fucking whatever whore he decides to bring around the kids.
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@Marielle_Redclaw You should because it's a wonderful idea.
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