I fucking hate terfs. Anyone wants me to be violent suddenly and without any emotional reaction, just put me in the same room with one of those worthless fucking pieces of filth.
Swear to fucking god I'm so not in the mood for this shit right now.
@TSchulte Trans exclusionary radical feminist. Basically people who think that just because I was born assigned male at birth, I'm lesser than a *real* woman. That I'm just pretending to be a girl.
@EmeraldRose@InsaneAtheist I just told my girlfriend about this instance and she thinks it's just as funny as me.
No offense meant to those of you over there on that instance, it's just I find it funny as shit that that's the name that was chosen. I mean of all things...
Okay, blind people will strait up wine and bitch and complain anytime someone makes a statement about, "oh, you can do things, but your blind?" Yet, these same motherfuckers will up and create a mastodon instance that leans into abelist language.
I'm all for reclaiming things, but at this point you're just inviting assholes like me to come along to provide snarky commentary on the utter ridiculousness of your stance.
So, which is it. Are you able because you use a cane, or does the cane enable you to...You know what? That doesn't make any sense either.
So, where would one suggest buying HRT supplies and meds online?
I wanna get ahead of the damage and start stocking up, but there's only so much I can farm from my insurance. Will talk to my doc about things, but I'd rather have backup plans and a sizeable backup supply should things get bad.
@tek@mybarkingdogs@thegibson Are you guys taking applicants of random disabled trans long term netrunners who lack programming skills? Because like....
Dreamcatcher - Single: A return to more of a Cyberpunk inspired sound, featuring guitars, retro synthwave-synths, and a grittiness that only comes from the high tech, low life aesthetic that is the Cyberpunk culture, this one manages to also convey emotion, almost in the same kind of vein as Depeche mode, or at least thatโs what I was going for. https://tetrachromaticmusic.bandcamp.com/track/dreamcatcher
Spectrumatic โ EP: Similar in nature to Polymer, the chemistry-inspired not-exactly-a-concept album I released last month, Spectrumatic is a 21 minute long beast of a track that can rightfully be considered an EP that lives up to its name by hacking the net of sounds found in IDM, Industrial, Psytrance and more, all wrapped up in a psychedelic electronica package. This one has been blowing up on social media, even before it hits stores, so be sure to give a listen. https://tetrachromaticmusic.bandcamp.com/track/spectrumatic
Remember, anytime thereโs a new release, you can hear it at least 10 days before it hits stores by following me on Bandcamp! https://tetrachromaticmusic.bandcamp.com/
Be sure to like and/or follow, as thereโs so much more to come.
So I'm running into some accessibility issues in my algebra course involving graphing. I do not have the support of state services for the blind, however I'm connected with disability services on campus. Otherwise, I'm going at all this on my own and for the most part handeling things well.
However, I'm not exactly sure how best to overcome things where advanced math and graphing come into play.
My tools currently include a standard, non-graphic calculator, a laptop running NVDA as a screen reader, 80-cell braille display on lone from disability services and a whole lot of tenacity. So far, I've maintained a consistent A in my course, but with the graphing stuff, I'm concerned that might change.
So, what are your tools and techniques for dealing with this and more advanced calculatory things? What add-ons may be of use, what tools should I be looking at, and what questions should I be asking?
Thank you so much in advanced to anyone who offers any advice.
@kaia We kinda need to see more of this honestly, and not just at conventions.
I'm all for normalizing contact between even casual interactions as we're all creatures of touch, but in this day and age, acknowledgement of consent is a lot more expected, so pins like these would be a good thing so people know who they can hug and who they shouldn't.
๐พMy friends either call me Kayls or Fox๐ฆ๐ธ๐นIโm an electronic #music producer and guitarist who dabbles in mixing elements of #psychedelia, #cyberpunk, #industrial, #IDM and more under the name of TetraChromacy. I also play metal, progressive metal and all sorts of other things.๐ป๐Outside of that, Iโm a university #student studying #computerScience and #elementary #education.๐ง๐ปAspiring Linux fan girl, running Ubuntu on bare metal for the first time these days and loving it!๐ฉ๐ปโจBurgeoning programmer; I have become addicted to coding!๐๐I also enjoy studying cybersecurity from both sides of the game. Can't understand one without the other, right?๐พ๐ฎLife long gamer, I play mostly on PC these days. I do love me some modern stuff, but #retroGaming is where it's at.๐๐ถHigh tech, low life! Gonna be in these wires until they cut my remains from the network! #HackThePlanetโ ๐ดPirate, data hoarder and utterly dedicated to open access a