Shameless self-promotion time!
It’s been a hella busy week in the Chromaverse.
For starters, there’s been a couple releases.
Dreamcatcher - Single:
A return to more of a Cyberpunk inspired sound, featuring guitars, retro synthwave-synths, and a grittiness that only comes from the high tech, low life aesthetic that is the Cyberpunk culture, this one manages to also convey emotion, almost in the same kind of vein as Depeche mode, or at least that’s what I was going for.
Spectrumatic – EP:
Similar in nature to Polymer, the chemistry-inspired not-exactly-a-concept album I released last month, Spectrumatic is a 21 minute long beast of a track that can rightfully be considered an EP that lives up to its name by hacking the net of sounds found in IDM, Industrial, Psytrance and more, all wrapped up in a psychedelic electronica package. This one has been blowing up on social media, even before it hits stores, so be sure to give a listen.
Beyond that, TetraChromacy is now on all your favorite platforms and stores, including Spotify!
Apple Music!
And wherever else you get your music fix from!
Remember, anytime there’s a new release, you can hear it at least 10 days before it hits stores by following me on Bandcamp!
Be sure to like and/or follow, as there’s so much more to come.
Until next time, Chromeheads,
Tetra, OUT!