@mangeurdenuage When the 2nd Amendment was written it didn't consider modern weaponry, same for the 19th Amendment and modern women. The intended scope becomes limiting once the circumstances allow for possibilities that couldn't be fathomed when the principles were crystalised. This is why 'living documents' exist, HTML5 is a 'living standard' for better or worse.
@dick If I had a horse in this race, it's Apache. It doesn't have restrictive terms (GPL) nor does it make an excuse for The Man to take without accreditation or financial support (MIT/BSD). Having worked in software I can tell you normies don't understand or care about licences. The latter is easier to enforce because there isn't much to enforce.
@mangeurdenuage Splitting hairs given the context. GNU is not the be-all-end-all of software freedom. There comes a time when its limited scope is no longer applicable to modern circumstances, like the 1951 definition of a refugee.
@mangeurdenuage I want a GNU-less Linux before 2038. Rust is ugly as sin (as is most GNU code) but eliminating classes of bugs and vulnerabilities is of interest, especially if it improves productivity (i.e. not bug-chasing, heh).
Sui's rant about 'ten times more vulns' is completely unaware of GNU code in general. GNU C extensions deserve to die too.
@sun You've probably seen my novellas laying out my criticism of Fedi from years ago. This wasn't a response to that, this was more towards figuring out what I want to build. I feel, at my age, I have nothing to show and no opportunities around for me. I need to create my own, somehow, with no connections and limited disposable income to go out again and mingle with like-minded people.
@lain Reform made their largest unforced error on Friday afternoon. They've been smearing Rupert Lowe before any independent investigation has commenced, and the two accusers of workplace bullying have come out in support of Lowe because it didn't involve him at all. They've lost over 5,000 members over the weekend over it.
Guaranteed to post certified nonsense about politics and tech. UK Foundation radio operator licence holder.CRT monitor supremacist. DLC diaphragm supremacist. Holds Extremist™ views against so-called 'smart' devices."I'm not sure if this you'll take as compliment or insult, but you're the only not insane vegan I know." -nerthos (https://shitposter.club/notice/9mROgiU1ZzcYNYCzqK)