@nyanide@reallyangry True. As much as i'd miss having gamestops everywhere, they will never return to being a good game store. They just got lucky with all that stock stuff I dont fully understand
@PurpCat Literally me. The only places I frequented besides school were the store and occasionally going somewhere fun with family.
Based on stories of my own parents and people of similar lives, I think the parents of this gen thought "well I had a great childhood, but always got beaten by MY parents for it. So surely if I lockdown my kids and threaten severe punishment if they do otherwise, they will live a similar life" but for some reason the mentality of "I secretly expect you to break the rules" was never realized by me and others. Thank god I only had a DS and not the internet
@ToyotaTime@BowsacNoodle Complete guess, but maybe because they envision this fantasy "beautiful family" in their mind, and tend to associate the more delicate cutesy aspects of it, and because of it, focusing more on daughters.
Same would go for envisioning a "strong" family, theres a focus on sons
@givenup@whiteman_@BowsacNoodle Just skimmed that thread, holy shit he's retarded. I know nothing about the mf but ive seen all i need. Sorry for your loss, and had to deal with that tard-out
@M_39@Hyperhidrosis@RealRaul Fun fact, back in 2008, the CIA had me dressed like this not for sexual reasons but psychological ones. Still no clue what the hell they wanted me to tell em. Or was it an experiment? Every time I try to remember my head gets foggy... and I hear mooing?
@BowsacNoodle@LostShakerOfSalt A lot of people dont know this but this is a real picture of putin's failed clone but they still keep it alive and it lives in the Moscow white house in the basement. They feed it all the scraps from the large dinners hosted there and keep it in a 60 x 80 ft cage during the daytime but he is allowed to roam at night freely because its nocturnal
@flux_the_cat Throwback to that one white lady who got a billion "wypipo caint seasin dey chicken" replies, and quoted one nigger, and said that literally everything they suggested was already on it, but it was the actual ingredients and not powder seasoning (like adding actual onions instead of onion powder)