@sickburnbro Bill Gates liked what Jay-Dee propelled into the mainstream about White Rural People, with his book - as did the rest of the MSM, which promoted it.
Just coincidentally, this happened after he became faggot Peter Thiel's buddy, the "Log Cabin Republicans" funder who injected Degenerate Perversion into the Republican party ...
@transgrammaractivist@sickburnbro I support transactional politics. The problem is, the Rs don't keep their end of the bargain - at all. We got ZERO the last time - None of it, from Trump.
I don't see what else we can do but withhold our vote until they start to deliver - starting in Congress - not voting for Biden's Ukraine money, for example, with Trump's support.
Better yet, make the anti-Plandemocide vote with RFK-Jr. The more votes he gets, the more of those still mad as hell about that will feel empowered - reducing the possibility of Plandemic 2.0.
We are probably going to need a new party anyway, and the R-Party needs to die, for that to be possible, in our "plurality wins" system.
@sickburnbro@transgrammaractivist > ... the military has already said they didn't listen to him anyway, which is a problem in itself. Yes. From this POV, neither what he or Jay-Dee says holds much weight. They could just maneuver Trump into things with the right combination of disinfo (see the "gas attack" in Syria - maybe send in Ivanka to cry), plus stroking his ego with compliments. Direct him to "their answer," then tell him how smart he is for his "brilliant assessment" of the situation. "You could have been a great general, sir!"
Israel wanted war with Iran already - really "USA fights Iran for us" - but Blinken (they say "Biden," but / senile) told them they are "on their own" if they start it. They also worked out that Iran counter-strike deal, with zero casualties - with a huge loss in materiel, to shoot it all down, as the payment to Iran. That deal prevented the war starting then. Of course, it is possible the USA "ok'd" that attack on the Iranian embassy which stated that - but I would not be too sure.
@EssentialUtinsil@sickburnbro@transgrammaractivist Yes - strike at the root, instead of the branch - but the root was tougher than they anticipated, and didn't sacrifice all it's goodies for a quick-win, as they planned. Unfortunately for Russia, the slow way also has its drawback - giving the enemy time to counter-escalate.
Iran would not be easy either, though - is of considerable size, rugged terrain to hide stuff (like Afghanistan), and will have Russia continually supplying them.
@EssentialUtinsil@sickburnbro@transgrammaractivist Yes, Blinken doesn't want war with Iran now, but not because they care about their anti-war base (which has no power in the DNC), but because he thinks they need to fight Russia first.
This is because of his ethnic-roots in Eastern-Europe / Khazaria (even Col MacGregor has said this part out-loud), and because of the massive natural-resource and manufacturing capability of Russia. That said, they are now realizing they can't pull it off.
The Russian resources + manufacturing is greatly magnified when coupled with China, now happening, because State Dept IDIOTS abandoned the Kissinger doctrine. Imagine if the CCP started cranking out attack-drones. The "attack China first" people aim to go for that.
The R-Neocons think we need to fight Iran first - which is the dumbest position, tactically - assuming one supported American World-Hegemony / Empire (I don't). Regardless, they are chomping at the bit.
@sickburnbro@transgrammaractivist Trump hired arch-neocon Bolton, continued all the wars (Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine (vs Donbass militias / did not push Minsk), and tried to start a war with Iran (or blunder into it) via the Solamani hit, but they didn't take the bait.
His actions also continued the Killery/Nuland path to war with Russia in Ukraine. He just didn't happen to be in that chair when the consequences of his & their actions resulted in the Russian response in the Donbass.
The only reason we aren't at war with Iran right now, is Blinken / J-Street Jews are holding Bibi back, vs the Chabad nutters' Rs.
@sickburnbro Yes, do that. But, include this as well, so they don't vote for Trump either, who wants to do the same thing - a $1/2 Trillion Dollars in MORE inflationary-debt - as he promised / tried the LAST time:
@sickburnbro@NitroDubs No - because he stopped being Anti-Trump, when he realized Trump was lying in 2015/16 about his intentions. Once he realized Trump was a dirt-bag like him, then he liked him. Trump understands this, I assume - that Vance only hated his former "role" (to con us out of our votes) - not who he really is.
@NitroDubs@sickburnbro The Dims agree with JD Vance (and Trump), on what the "problems" are: > "The Tzedek Social Justice Fund is invested in work that celebrates and affirms lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people’s lives > ...and addresses the economic, cultural, and legal underpinnings of white supremacy." x.com/wayotworld/status/1813097066190762027
JD Vance's "solution" to Whites being destroyed is to marry a Dot Indian, write a book disparaging poor Whites, support Anti-White orgs, and be VP to a candidate who openly-supports (on video) INFINITY GREEN CARDS to any "Will Work Cheeeper" 3rd Worlder who can pull off a 2-year community-college diploma.
@sickburnbro How about what we voted for in 2016? That was civ-nat, but many good platform positions I could support. When all that was NEVER EVEN ATTEMPTED by Trump - using existing, court-cleared laws - I was off the Trump-train.
At this point, all we can do is vote against the Uniparty (RFK-Jr) - OR, go full-accelerationist, which would be Biden/whatever-dim, since at least Trumpsters won't be a vocal-bloc making excuses for Biden's wrecking - as they will with Trump (like the LAST time).
@sickburnbro I'm not sure RFK-Jr wants SS "help" any more, after seeing how they left that blind-spot un-covered - and even after they knew there was something on that roof of interest, yet did not immediately put personnel on-stage to protect Trump.
@sickburnbro I didn't see any evidence that "how he ran the campaign" was relevant. I did see the MSM run the Trump Trial-Show - basically a re-run of the Fake Russiagate Smokescreen - to fool the R-sheeple into "rallying around dear leader," to spite his horrible record of total-betrayal + Plandemocide. As a bonus, for the left-sheeple, "See - Orange Man really, really bad!!!"
DeSantis was literally the only right-policy candidate in the race. Of course, I know he sucked up to Jews - but they didn't like how he opposed their immigration-poison, and shut down their LGBTPedo child-indoctrination. I'll take policy over rhetoric any day.
@sickburnbro That poll is why DeSantis should have been the R-nominee - plus his other positions which are the conservative wish-list personified - and actual accomplishments on all those as Gov.
But, Rs who will answer the poll that way, will vote for Mr "Immigration in the LARGEST NUMBERS EVER" (SOTU speech 2019), because most people are idiots, who didn't follow Trump's policy-positions / reversals as POTUS.
@sickburnbro@SpurgAnon That used to be true in the USA. But, now, most people who are poor, are poor, because they have been screwed by forces outside of their control - immigration, outsourcing, CRT/DEI, inflation, etc.
@SpurgAnon@sickburnbro I've seen those, also. My point is the vast majority of folks who "do the right thing" economically - no partying and spending on stuff they don't need - but live hand-to-mouth due to low pay / inflation.
Many looked at salaries BEFORE selecting a career - blue collar AND white collar - but were SCREWED by factors they could not control - policies set by Traitors.
Struggle and eat beans and rice to save up some money - car part for the old beater is needed - broke again. That's reality for millions, right now. Many lose it, and become alcoholics / drug-addicts out of desperation. Note how the fenatyl deaths follow the outsourcing in those wrecked communities.
This is why I HATE the "entitlement reform" GOP - which spreads this idea that everyone who is poor "deserves it." NO - that's Lolbetarian BS. Uniparty Trade and Immigration Policies WRECKED MILLIONS OF LIVES and families who were doing Just Fine, before. Fix those FIRST, and THEN we can deal with the actual bums/idiots.
Same for whining about student loan forgiveness. Kick out all the Treason-Visa "will work cheeeper" 3rd Worlders, and THEN talk about "responsibility." The pawns are not "responsible" for any of this.
@Shadowman311 Yes - Idiot Cultists, playing in their "Ebil Brandon" vs "Orange Man Bad" FAKE WWF-Tier Show.
It is AMAZING people would fall for this Uniparty Tag-Team BS, after Trump BETRAYED US ON EVERYTHING we voted for in 2016, then ran the PLANDEMOCIDE / Trumpcine Murder-Vaxxing operation tag-team with Biden.
The Health Freedom Defense Fund wrote, responding to the Carvalho decision: > The Ninth Circuit ruling today demonstrates that the court saw through LAUSD’s monkey business, and in so doing, it made clear that Americans’ cherished rights to self determination, including the sacred right of bodily autonomy in matters of health, are not negotiable. This is a great triumph for the truth, decency, and what is right.
If only this were true, but it isn't ...
> Addressing the merits, the panel held that the district court misapplied the Supreme Court’s decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)…. Taking plaintiffs’ allegations as true at this stage of litigation, plaintiffs plausibly alleged that the COVID-19 vaccine does not effectively “prevent the spread” of COVID-19. Thus, Jacobson does not apply…. Plaintiffs’ allegations here are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right [to refuse medical treatment].
So, if the FORCED (or we make your family broke and homeless) "Medical Treatment" DID "effectively 'prevent the spread'," of some virus, THEN it would be OK? Note they cite the 1905 SCOTUS decision supporting the MANDATING the DEADLY and unsanitary Smallpox-Vaxx (contaminated with all types of filth), which also Did NOT Work, and made people horribly ill / dead - but the "Medical Industry" still pretends it worked to this day, as part of their Great Vaccine MYTH marketing-story.
Note that the SCOTUS DID NOT STOP the Corporate Mandates which caused Mass-Death via TRUMPCINE Poison - and the ONLY "wins," thus far, have been for "Religious Exemptions" about abortion-tissue used in research - NOT the BASIC HUMAN RIGHT to NOT be INJECTED with PHARMA CONCOCTIONS without being forced out of employment = MADE BROKE AND HOMELESS.
The only SUCCESSFUL Interventions to PREVENT Corporate / School / University Mandates were LAWS passed by states like Florida, pushed by Governors like DeSantis, who were consistently TRASHED BY TRUMP for NOT obeying his "Federal Guideline" BS Tyranny and TRUMPCINE Murder-Vaxx Agenda. Trump PRAISED CUOMO's Tyranny and Vaxx-Pushing, contrasting it to "Killed People" (LIE) about DeSantis policy of ending policies which were PROVEN NOT TO WORK (masking, distancing, etc) and Criminalizing Vaxx-Mandates, in Florida.
Goal: Save Civilization by removing the so-called "Jews" from power, then reversing their poisoning of our homelands - deporting the 3rd Worlders they flooded in, re-institutionalizing / banishing those infected with LGBTPedo-disease, and de-toxifying medicine and food.