@PopulistRight@brokeassredneck yeah, this is the part that people don't want to talk about, because it lays bare the whole "green" movement. To a large degree, standard of living and energy consumption are tied.
What is worse that I try to explain to people is that you can't even easily cut back on certain things to "help the planet" as an example: thinking "making all passenger cars into battery cars will help" - well, the problem is that the petrochemcial production chain produces a lot of stuff we use everywhere and per gallon of crude, there are only so many things you can economically produce. ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cracking_(chemistry) ) If you want everything industrial to still run on diesel ( and you do ) - it's not a simple thing to say "ok what are we going to do with all this gasoline?" You can't just change it all into diesel or Jet A.
@sickburnbro Is this really such a huge selling point? Chernobyl disaster, which is the gold standard of anti-nuclear talking points only happened because of the rushed building of ChNPP, RBMK reactors being horribly designed i.e. positive steam reactivity, control rods with graphite tips, no Iodine pit detection systems (which is why only USSR built them), and because Dyatlov had abysmal work ethic. A lot of things had to go awry in a very precise manner, otherwise the disaster wouldn't have happened. Sure, a meltdown-proof reactor is nice, but that's kinda overkill. You could get the same results by not building RBMK's and not hiring retards.
@Marvelous7578@sickburnbro I have been shitting on soviet RBMK's for a while now, but ultimately it's retards like Dyatlov that cause nuclear disasters, the reactor type only facilitates it. I'm sure there's a way to cause a meltdown of any type of reactor, it just comes down to finding the right type of moron to do it.
@sickburnbro That's just me thinking out loud. The whole anti-nuclear thing is financed by big oil/big coal, so trying to have a good faith conversation with them is like arguing with a TV. Sure, you can redpill Greenpeace libtards by facts and logic, but ultimately it's a waste of time.