Study and settle in Australia. Applications open to refugees in Malaysia, Thailand or India for the Refugee Student Settlement Pathway Applications due 5.00pm AEDT, Sunday 29 December, 2024.
"I used to have what I called ‘the Sargent’s network’. We all knew who was the grease in each department and we’d constantly talk and keep things from breaking."
They not only know how to talk to people to get things done, but also can push back because they have enough knowledge to know when others have already done it/ know that it is possible.
Similarly, I can only provide mutual aid in small ways, not the way I would like to. It's a combination of personal limitations (call it greed) I put on myself and the fact the world willfully ignores helping those who need it most is systemic.
I'm aware of my privilege and I know it's still been stressful.
I see all the mutual aid on here and Twitter and help from time to time. But it's not enough.
Working in #DEI means that I'm always having to recognise and accept that I have limits to how I can help.
I've come to the conclusion that you can't change white institutions to be safe spaces, you can only create local safe spaces within those hostile organisations.
Tinu, a devoted advocate and volunteer for Black women and disabled people, lives with cancer and asthma and is now hospitalized with COVID pneumonia. As a high-risk person, she and her family need our help: cancer is expensive, and without her income this month while she is in the hospital, she and her household need financial support. Hospital stays are expensive—please help her.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion advocate and writer.Working in medical research as a Research Software Engineer. #RSE #ResearchSoftware#MelbourneProfile pic is of a brown man with black hair and glasses as an avatar