The process of booking a practical driving test in the UK is mad. New slots are released at 6 am on Monday. You join a queue on the website, then get through to book. Pick a date and location, then get presented with either none or some options, so repeat with another date/location. Pick one, and it's gone by the time you click it. Eventually, you have to book a test in a faraway place with slots and fewer bots and people. Then, hope for a nearby cancellation.
@dansup Europe is way more chill about these kind of things than your southern neighbours. I would be amazed if you'd have any problem getting to Belgium for FOSDEM. Also, FOSDEM is massive, and you'd be very welcome there. It's a great event, worth going, even once.
Strawman. Nobody mentioned blind adherence. Indeed, most codes of conduct have changed and improved over time. They usually have a process for escalation of disagreement. This isn't a gulag.
@thelinuxEXP The _big_ problem is that the world is full of very different people. They have differing beliefs, moral compasses, social norms, lived experiences, mental states, and cultures.
Some believe that CoCs attempt to eliminate those differences.
They're wrong. It's all about respectful behaviour. But if we all followed CoCs all the time, then there would be no need for grievance processes in the workplace.
@thelinuxEXP Absolutely! I believe that the CoC created by Mako for #Ubuntu was one of the big draws for many of us contributors.
A minimum set of guidelines setting expectations of behaviour is an entirely reasonable thing.
We have had CoC's in the real world for years. Talk smack in a pub, and there will be consequences. The same goes for schools, the workplace, and public transport.
Online is no different. It reflects the real world, though. The real world is full of people who differ.
I wrote some #python as a way to avoid using jq. Introducing “Grummage”, a simple, rough and ready tool to process an #SBOM (Software Bill Of Materials) to identify security vulnerabilities. It’s faster and prettier than jq, too! 🤠
Director, Developer Relations at Anchore.Previously: Open Source Communications and Compliance Lead at , Developer Relations Manager at Axiom, InfluxData, Canonical / UbuntuPodcaster for over a decade. Currently on Linux Matters. Get it wherever you find podcasts.