@tagesschau Ist das verkrustete Sowjet-Nostalgie oder fühlt sich #Wagenknecht auf der Seite der Russo-Faschisten einfach nur sehr wohl? Könnte das womöglich Kalkül sein bei all dem Geldfluss, der zumindest teilweise sicherlich aus sehr östlichen Quellen stammen wird. Vielleicht sollten wir sie und alle, die sich dagegen aussprechen, einfach als erstes an die Front schicken, wenn ruSSland das nächste europäische Land angreift. Kein Taurus, aber eine Unterschrift hätte ich gerne von ihr dafür.
@Ulfh3dnar If they have supported this whole shit from the beginning, as she says, then they have more than earned this little excursion into the Russian world. That and much, much more. This is what Ukraine has been experiencing for years. Don't you like the taste of your own poison? What goes around comes around.
#Putin should really be grateful to #Ukraine. He has long wanted a buffer zone between Moscow and #NATO and now Ukraine seems to be about to fulfill his wish.
When your father, who you haven't had contact with for years and haven't missed at all, suddenly contacts you via WhatsApp and sends you some anti-Ukrainian TikTok links every day: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Here's your well-deserved WhatsApp block. Congratulations, you idiot.
Military expert: Russian hospital attack was intentional - ZDFheute
"Russia's attack on a children's hospital was "intentional," says military expert Gustav Gressel. There could be several reasons why the missiles were not repelled."
@tyarosh They polarize wherever they can and unfortunately that works better than it should. In the long run they destabilize the system. The already slow acting and frightened systems begin to falter. I know that sounds dramatic. But ultimately that is what helped Hitler in the Weimar Republic. This is how things will only get better and better for them. Oh and of course: where the ruble rolls, the cockroaches (AfD and BSW in Germany for example) are not far away.
@anderspuck The account @pamela_butler is a ruSSian troll, trying to sell ruSSian fascist war crimes as an Ukrainian problem and spreading the sick ruSSo-fascist propaganda.
@kravietz I've ordered less then three weeks ago two wood carving tools from #FadirTools aka #KharkivForge in #Kharkiv and my package passed a/the #NovaPoshta post office in Kharkiv just a few days ago. I don't know if it was in this building but it's possible. But even if it haven't been there, it's sick these fascist are bombing post buildings.
@kravietz They want to destroy not only the infrastructure in #Ukraine but also the whole business by spreading fear: If you order something there, you may not receive it. What they don't know: At least I don't give a fuck! Fadir Tools has a lot more awesome products I'll order in future, no matter what! #FuckRussia
For anyone who is unsure, I would like to say: So far, ALL of my orders from Ukraine have arrived in perfect condition! So please: #SupportUkraine
@2ndStar Glitschig wie ein Aal, versuchen sie sich doch immer wieder rauszuwinden. Die Strategie ist immer die keiner Seite zuordenbar zu sein bzw. sich nirgends zuordnen lassen zu wollen. Sie seien "neutral". Das haben sie alle gemeinsam, länderübergreifend. Das Muster ist aber klar erkennbar und deren Kurs auch eindeutig.