@monnier I think it means "if you are considering listening to audio from your phone's speaker, use headphones instead", not "if you are considering striking up a conversation with a stranger, use headphones instead".
@rms Could you please explain the pun? I'm a native Spanish speaker and don't get it. I'm Mexican and Spanish varies from country to country, so I asked on a Spanish-language Emacs group with people from many different Spanish-speaking countries but people didn't get it there either.
EDIT: Nevermind, I found your web page on Spanish puns (https://stallman.org/spanish-puns.html) that has the complete pun: "Conocí a una ninfa de roble. No era ni hermosa ni elegante, sino bellota." Clever!
@fsf "Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free." Is this true in the sense that it has actually helped in the past or is it only true in the theoretical sense that it might help in the future? Note that I am not at all against copyright assignment to the FSF and indeed have already done it myself for some Emacs packages I contributed to the GNU ELPA repository! I just want to know, out of curiosity, if the theoretical benefits of copyright assignment have already been realized.
@robpike I have a similar story but in Spanish. Years ago the URL for some university department's "Consejo Académico" (academic council) ended in "/cacademico", with the council part abbreviated to just "c". But I always read that as "caca de mico", which means monkey shit.
I'm a mathematician at UNAM in Mexico City. I work in algebraic topology, homotopy theory and higher category theory, but am interested in all sorts of math.I also enjoy computer programming as a hobby and am a big fan of the text editor Emacs.