@ekis rewind this video to 2:26 because that is the only thing I ever wanted of a smartwatch in my entire life, beyond medical purposes that I want nowadays https://youtu.be/we_eTOeNSEE?t=145
Bro blocked me because I used ChatGPT to generate a meme. This is, of course, everyone's right to do. I really don't mind.
However, imagine if people in real life behaved like this? Hey bro what's up, how was your day? Oh, I have been with some friends playing basketball. Ooof I hate basketball - blocked!
@bamboombibbitybop it's intentional so that I provoke an argument. of course it is a silly one, but if you care about the planet then why not invest energy into convincing me not to generate any more images? if you block me you have achieved nothing for the planet.
@stigatle I bought Victoria 3 as well. Also Stellaris, but first things first. I decided to start my strategy brain development from EU4 onwards. Do you have any advice for a noob?
I played Europa Universalis IV for the first time yesterday. I had to use FSR to stretch the image to my 4K screen, but other than this technical challenge, it was quite overwhelming to start learning how the game works. I see that EU4 will be a nice brain workout.
@killyourfm I needed to help my daughter study ... Windows (yes, really) for school so I fired up my Win11 virtual machine and ... WORKING ON UPDATES ... so when we were finished I shut it down. Next morning we continued the study and what do you know ... WORKING ON UPDATES (yes, again!).
My daughter just got one grade lower than perfect at computer class in school because she did not recognize "OneDrive" as a place that can store folders and files.
My video channel(s) earned two milestones today: 50 followers on my #PeerTube account and 1,000 followers on my YouTube account.
This discrepancy is natural as PeerTube is growing, while most people prefer the centralization run by companies.
Nevertheless, I am very thankful 🙏 for both, and I will keep investing in decentralization because I believe in this path. I also grew up when the Internet was innocent and objectively better. If I can do anything to help bring that back, I will do it!
@FinchHaven huh, you nailed my first year of Linux :drake_like: but that would be off-putting for young people who want to become a (real) Linux user :catrawr:
Since I’m not much of a "lock-it-down behind a paywall" person (I prefer GPLs’ no-warranty vibe), here is my new video exclusively for free, on #PeerTube. :bugs:
YouTube viewers will need to wait a bit to get it; I am not sorry.
@IceCubesApp there may be something new in Mastodon 4.3 requiring your attention. Creator tag on the bottom of some posts leads to creator Mastodon url when clicked on Mastodon website, but when clicked from IceCubes it leads to the article. I am talking about the “More from…” at the bottom of my post.
Commodore Amiga :amiga: fan.Free Software :gnu: Evangelist.Linux Renaissance :redhat: author.Currently learning: :freebsd: and :clang:Want to support what I do?Do it here: https://ko-fi.com/darth/tipYT: https://youtube.com/@LinuxRenaissance