@Npars01@selzero I wouldn't believe for a moment that a billionaire would be crafting this strategy alone, rather than he has a team of people carefully managing his output on social media.
@aral Man-in-pub and bloke-on-Facebook will be citing this for the whole of 2025. "Those electric cars, they're bloody dangerous, they just catch fire, you can't put the fire out, 'ere look at this photo of a Tesla Dumpertruck just the other day, bloody 'ell, I'd never 'ave one, oi, Jeff!, did you see that Range Rover in that car park the other month, on fire it was, can't put it out, bloody dangerous those electric cars… "
I really ought to stop looking at #linkedin. I managed to quit my xitter habit (thanks to Masto!). Today at the top of my feed there's a complete stranger asshat is selling their their MBA statistics smoke and mirrors bollocks about 10x engineers at Twitter and all the people who #SpaceKaren fired were shit and just look at the numbers which speak for themselves and by the way I'm available for hire.
Failing to recognise that Twitter is now a cesspool of uncontrolled fascist shit.
@randahl Vice President #Trump is getting really pissed that everybody is referring to #SpaceKaren as President Musk.
Well, Donny, you took Elon's money and this is what you get.
I feel really bad for all the government workers who voted Democrat. REALLY bad. But all those #MAGA government workers who won't get paid until the end of January - ha fucking HA!
MAGA assholes, prepare to reap the whirlwind of your stupidity.
@Geri Side note about re-nationalisation that I only just learned about. Just after WWII a whole load of things were nationalised and it didn't cost the public a penny at the time. The shareholders were issued some very long-term bonds (government IOUs) by way of compensation and job done. So the appalling UK water companies could be re-nationalised quickly just after a thorough, realistic valuation to work out the value of bonds to issue.
@Geri The optics are not good for a "left-wing" government, although the sell-off of this particular item of the national silver has been in the pipeline for a long, long, long time. The #enshittification for profit was already underway when I was still living in UK 20 years ago.
@Geri In the case of the UK water utility companies, I expect that an accurate, honest, fair valuation for re-nationalisation would be, approximately, fuck-all. After the (mis-) management has stripped all the money out to shareholders' dividends and C-level salaries and bonuses, the actual infrastructure has negative value down to the outstanding maintenance and renewal requirements.
Although I don't know why I'm surprised. His track record is 100% bullshit for personal profit. It's just what he does. No morals, no holds barred. Just money, money, money for Nigel. A total shit.
@glynmoody The city I live in is pretty old, too. Admittedly there's a lot of, mostly ugly, new stuff. But I would be delighted if the government would limit the number of visitors!
Boy, the presenters on #GBNews really are the what you might scrape from the bottom of your shoe.
Here Darren #craftywank Grimes shows his support for genocide. MASSIVE Palestinian flag - about 4cm x 2cm. Well, Darren, *you* might think that 4cm is massive, others might disagree with you. 🤏
@goatsarah@sangster Absolutely, but looking at all the sales of X100 since the TikTok craze when it started selling for more secondhand than new, I think that's the period of the 95% auto-only.
You and I are in the 5%. My X100V (that I bought just before the craze) is always in manual exposure and sometimes on manual focus. My little Nikon point and shoot or my smartphone for auto snaps.
I'm a disappointed with the result of the big build-up to the #Pentax17. I totally get what they've made, something for the swarm of TikTok users buying the Fujifilm X100 - trendy, pricey, but full-auto like an old Olympus half-frame.
It's not for me. If they bring out a 17M fully-manual with a 35mm equivalent lens, continuous focus ring with 'proper' distance markings, perhaps f2.8 or brighter, a film box end holder, no +/- dial, an aperture ring, let me know.
I would bet that 95% of those who've bought a #Fujifilm#X100 never switch it out of full auto mode and would be better served with a smaller camera with a simple film recipe dial, shutter release and no viewfinder. And probably a zoom lens.
It's not to say that those people are making bad photographs, but I just can't help feeling that they bought the wrong tool for the job.
@goatsarah@jon I would absolutely *love* to be able to travel corner-to-corner, coast-to-coast on the Iberian peninsula by sleeper train. Perhaps this will come back, one day. For example, get on a train in Alicante or Murcia at 10pm after an early supper and wake up in Galicia or Lisbon 👌…
RENFE axed all the sleeper trains.
Public services should not be run according to how much shareholder value they can generate.
Some neighbourly advice - if you let the fascists in, they might hang around for 40 years, fucking up your country and shooting people they don't like. Ask us how we know.
Love & hugs
Spain 🇪🇸
PS Didn't you have some of those assholes running your country around the same time? It's amazing how we forget our mistakes!
I would argue that Spain's current system of *having* to see a public health system doctor to get even one day off sick is counterproductive. Here I am, #covid test from last night clearly positive, in the doctor's waiting room with octogenarians and small children. I've been here an hour because the doctor's running late. I called the surgery ahead of time and, yes, I *need* to see the doctor in-person. We have masks, of course.
In UK you can self-certify a few days' off sick before you need to see a doctor.
They are thinking of doing the same in Spain but there's strong push-back from businesses saying "some people will only work two days a week, every week". Fine, give everybody up to, say, 10 days a year total of self-certified sick before having to see a doctor. Because, damn, the current arrangement is crazy.
Spain. Posts don't represent any employer 🙄.Keyboard warrior against certain social injustices. I have neither time, nor energy, nor inclination to fight them all, sorry.I tend to look to see if you post stuff rather than mostly boost before following back. A long time ago I enjoyed breathing the atmosphere at around 320 ppm CO2.