@helenczerski I suspect most people don’t really appreciate how dilute ocean resources are, and how much collateral destruction their mining would involve. Take your analogy, you can get the kg of calcium by destroying the surrounding 100kg of person. For seabed deposits, what if you have to ruin 10,000 kg of seabed, 100,000 kg of seawater, and a million living things to get your kg of manganese?
@cstross Timelines are always forking. Problem here was the LHC trapping those timelines into a bound state with us leading to random inter-timeline superposition at really inconvenient moments.
@johncarlosbaez The fediverse in general is so much better suited to academia in just about every way. But, as you say, clearly a substantial number will stay until the bitter end, no matter how much Twitter turns into a fascist sewer. Journalists, I can understand are reluctant to leave. What possible academic reason is there to be on Der Stürmer?
@goatsarah Specific to the UK, I expect Reform to take over the remnant Tory shell as there will be nobody to oppose them except the rw loons who will welcome them. Reform get their hands on the Tory electoral machine, agents, membership and fundraising lists for pennies. And once that becomes private company data, not very reversible.
@emilygorcenski Kinda surprising that a civilisation’s worth of horrendous weapons suddenly lose their owners but nobody is rushing off to salvage it and change the balance of power in the quadrant etc etc.
There should be at least a Ferengi/Nausicaan PlanetBusters’R’Us no-returns-accepted hypermart?
“We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done” Various permutations of rugby, music, history, farming, rare breeds, food. With a bit of earth sciences, physics, and energy.