So my real fear if the Tories die (and to be clear, they absolutely need to) is that the uk media will fucking gleefully embrace Farageist fascism as the defacto legitimate heir.
After 97 it was clear that their drifting rightward had been rejected. Now it very much is not. The instincts of the post 97 Tories was to try and persuade the electorate that they had learned to stop being abject cunts.
The reaction of the British right this time is going to be to dial up the cuntery, and the media will entirely uncritically embrace it, because they think it makes good telly.
Unless the sentiment on the ground shifts back to a rehabilitation of social democracy in the next decade, this means that the UK basically gets a 10 year reprieve, and then when the grey Starmer regime runs out of steam after being fucking useless for a decade, you get full-on V for Vendetta.
We are already seeing the start of this in the US: a proto fascism regime was defeated 4 years ago by an opposition made up of people who clearly wanted to be civil servants rubber stamping stuff, and not actual politicians.
And now the US stands at the cusp of finding out that Trump Series 1 was just the dress rehearsal.
UK: this is your future.