How can anyone who spends 22 minutes of their lives watching President Biden be interviewed by George Stepanopoulos want to tell me he is not cogent? Biden seems sharp to me, more so than the This Week ABC host.
Anyway, to return to our original topic, it is clear that Speaker Johnson is playing games with funding for Ukraine and is really not concerned about outcomes for Ukrainians.
In case anybody needs to know what the strategy is, it is to give Ukraine all of the weapons it possibly desires, so that they can push Putin and his orcs back across the border where they belong.
@GreenFire In 2020 the cost per kWh for solar dropped to $0.057 versus coal at $0.055, with wind well below that. The economic parity of renewable energy means that coal will become irrelevant. People trying to foster grievances of the coal miners are doing them a huge disservice.