🦆 Elon Musk
#SpaceCaligula does not deserve any benefit of the doubt. He's the world's richest man in his 50's, not some 9 year old with a traumatic brain injury.
This is a test.
Many have clearly failed.
🦆 Elon Musk
#SpaceCaligula does not deserve any benefit of the doubt. He's the world's richest man in his 50's, not some 9 year old with a traumatic brain injury.
This is a test.
Many have clearly failed.
Officially done with #Birdchan
Periodic reminder that @theonion is parody, but just barely.
Viking spirit!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Pop! Goes the ruble.
A lot of people had their brains fried by social media & the pandemic.
Celebrity chud #JoeRogan demonstrated that he's a scared little child who can't understand why #Ukraine'ians won't just die already & can't wait for his daddy #Trump to protect his soft li'l 🫏 & make nice with #russia by giving #Putin everything he wants once #Biden is out of office.
If only his mom hadn't screwed up that hamburger or whatever.
My problem IS #SpaceKaren 😆
Otherwise I agree with everything you said in this video.
As long as #Ukraine makes #russia pay dearly for every square inch they take, I think the Ukrainians will come out ahead.
#VladVexler eviscerates the #YouTube creators caught up in the #tenetmedia #russia payment scandal.
Longer chat but worth the watch.
I'm literally a guy in Kansas. These two clowns can kiss my 🫏.
@anderspuck #Kursk video when?
I have so many questions...
Welcome back!
I think everyone is wondering why the heck #Ukraine seems to be trading bits of #Donetsk for bits of #Kursk.
I'm not an expert so it's hard to understand what the play might be.
It seems the #NATO Supreme Allied Commander also watches @anderspuck's #YouTube videos on #russia's invasion of #Ukraine 😆
@mk @timkmak @collectifission
You mean he got arrested for breaking the law (countries being invaded generally frown upon foreigners who come and announce troop movements)
Then he got arrested AGAIN for publicly announcing he intended to skip bail.
Then he died for being a fucking moron.
Stolen from #birdchan
@mk @timkmak @collectifission
Chain smoker with a heart condition dies in a hospital:
#Ukraine did this!
GTFO with that nonsense.
@freemo @notsoloud No, there are American journalists there now. The only one threatening to jail them are Russia (they've arrested two already).
Does anybody have a breakdown of the #TuckerCarlson #Putin interview?
I refuse to watch it on #BirdChan. Just curious if there was anything noteworthy or unexpected.
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