Watched the #netflix#movie Sausage Party... My god... It was the most cringey 15 minutes in my life. It was like that game puritan Americans play where they replace a word in a story with a "naughty" word and that is the joke... Jokes so obvious and badly written the person in charge should be jailed for incompetence. It was embarrassing but boring at the same time. Without doubt one of the ten worst movies I've ever seen
#Sverige#Snuten GP skriver om en kille som råkar ha samma efternamn som användarnamnet på en kriminell i en Signalchat: Aslan. Så dom följer efter honom när han ska på dejt hos en annan snubbe, tacklar ner honom, pepparspreyar honom och släpar med honom till polishuset för en strip-search.
So damn proud of a friend who came out as trans recently and decided to tell me. Since I don't know who else she told - will keep that info anonymous and keep it under wraps around people who know her obviously. I just need to say how blubby and weepy I feel right now as someone trusted enough to be told.
Today have been pretty badass, worked, ate good food, got some more work, sat in the sun... and now this!
@clacke "På en fråga om regeringens samarbete med SD säger Kristersson att han ”inte ska sluta lösa allvarliga svenska problem” för att ”någon sverigedemokrat sjunger rasistiska sånger”." "Nån Sverigedemokrat" är alltså en riksdagsledamot...
@clacke Did you see the video from Expressen I think where they sing "Ausländer Raus" until they spot the journalist and then one of them tries to get the phone used for recording from the journalist? Totally not at all a nazi-party...
Georg Riedel's was a jazz composer who also wrote songs every single Swede know by heart. Songs so directly associated with where we live it can't be overstated. Songs we as kids sung at the end of the school year. He died this weekend 90 years old.
The fact that he was an immigrant, who came here as a child needs to be said due to how racist arses use his songs as a sort of example of their vision for Sweden.
The månsing language was used by travelling salesmen: Knallar. A group who circumvented laws for sales during the 16th century based on their origin and then became a group based around selling stuff on local temporary markets. From that created language we have expressions and words (often seen as slang) for for example "to steal" ("sno") to get angry at someone ("lacka") A fascinating detail is that like with Romani, words where often of non-appropriate things. Theft, body parts etc #Sweden
From Romani we have for example "to snitch" ("gola") to sell ("beckna" - now mostly used in reference to young drug dealers) but also things like "the country" ("vischan", from the Romani word for forest) and poetic stuff like the word "mucka" (to be freed from something often either Prison or military service).
That word is specific since it comes the sanskrit term Moksha which means "liberation" or "liberation from reincarnation"
I love coming from a place with a teeny tiny language (not just amount of speakers, but also vocabulary. We have become experts at stealing words from other languages. Not just the big obvious ones (French, German, English or Russian) but also from Romani and Yiddish. Or thieves cants and similar.
Like one of our cultural institutions. To "fika" - to have coffee and cake with someone and chat. The word is from a cant where they mixed syllables. "Fi-Ka" = "Ka-Fi" from the Månsing language
25th of March is the Swedish Waffle-day. When you make waffles. The reason why is because its the day the virgin Mary was told by an angel she was pregnant. That day was called Our Lady's Day. Which is "Vårfrudagen" in Swedish. If you say it really fast it sounds like "Våffeldagen" (Vohfe-da'en) said really fast. And somehow that stuck because traditions are traditions, religion is religion but waffles truly are forever. #Sweden
Today I learned: "Lax"/"lox"/"lahs" ("Salmon" or variation of it like cured or smoked salmon in the US) is one of the most stable (yet specific) Indo-European words and most probably stems even further back from Proto-Indo-European. Its pronunciation has remained stable for thousands of years. #TIL#Etymology
@ryanhoulihan You need to come join us gently aging gay dudes ... it's like going clubbing with everyone's dad, and they're drunk, and the DJ just put on "Wayward Son" (or in this case Cher)
Many strained backs will be had while we twerk-limbo under and beyond the barrier of cringe.
Illustrator, graphic designer, mover and interaction designer who loves Open Source, Linux and Privacy. Let me show you my tinfoil hat collection!"Worlds most boring anarchist" who think we need to talk about who's baking cookies for next years yard sale more than the revolution.Roleplaying (TTRPG) nerd and dork.Incredibly homosexual (gay cis-dude) and married to the worlds best husband-dude and living in Sweden. #foss #ttrpg #art #design #linux #KDE #lgbtq #anarchism