@eris also transmascs and enbies like this (usually transmascs ngl) are fucking infuriating because they'll preach "intersectionality" and "inclusion" and then treat trans issues as a zero-sum game in which trans women take up "too much space" by just talking about transmisogyny
like, it's just replicating the tone policing and silencing of women in trans spaces
@anarchopunk_girl@mira ok ngl I’m not about to toss out Marxism entirely. But MLs as a social phenomenon, in my experience, refuse to do any serious self-critique about their own implicit values as a “subculture.” MLs rarely view themselves as having a “culture” to begin with because they presume that their framework is “scientific” and thus is too objective to have assumptions of its own (much like STEMlords who diss philosophy of science, tbh). So they don’t pay attention, for instance, to the intellectualism wielded for social capital. Frankly, reading Capital is hard, and for MLs, those who are able to understand it (or who think they understand it) have authority over those who aren’t as “well-read.” It doesn’t actually matter if “AES” is anything but - someone more learned than you in scripture has interpreted it that way, so you shouldn’t question it.
Critique of ML culture doesn’t mean Marxism’s content is definitely and entirely wrong. But MLs see self-critique as a threat, because they are so stuck in their intellectualism. It’s baked into how they came up with Marxism in the first place: through academic literature. Occasionally they will acknowledge, with a shallow “humility,” that the “less educated” classes also have decent insights now and then, but their hierarchical thinking is still central to how their uncritical acceptance of “AES” is formed.
@Mondobizarrro@BathysphereHat tbh maybe it feels like a hot take to me because I am still unlearning this crap after being traumatized by my first significant queer "feminist" IRL community exposure being to TERF talking points
This is possibly a hot take but I think TERF-infected and similarly toxic queer communities treat "maleness" or "masculinity" of almost any kind as some kind of original sin you have to be remorseful for or repent of
@Mondobizarrro I don't really have a clearly defined take on this, but do you think there are situations where it's better to buy the original and not a bootleg? Personally I do buy originals if I know the artist is just starting out or doesn't have a big audience.