@futzle FFS, this is why we need a) digital postage (we've already got it for parcels, why not stamps?) b) free postage for non-commercial purposes
I post, on average, one letter every two years, and have to buy supplementary stamps to top up the postage for the stamps I have since they are no longer the right value.
@fnordius@mike@NanoRaptor Thanks, Marc, I will have to read up on the background again. I enjoyed reading the novels as a teenager, and re-reading more recently.
That theme of writers of that period forecasting what we are now living through - based, in many cases, on scientific papers that were published at the time, led to some amazing stories.
J. G. Ballard's The Drowned World was one of my favourites, published around the same time.
@jaark@GossiTheDog Seems to imply that, in order to secure their network, they have had to remove *access* to their network from some offices / locations. Which implies?
"Why, yes, since you ask, you are connected to an HDCP compliant device".
"Yes, of course the copy protection bit is on".
"Yes, this cable does offer Ethernet over HDMI (editor's note: author couldn't be arsed looking up the correct terminology). I am sorry, it appears that when I try to resolve sony.com, I receive an NX_DOMAIN response from the authoritative server".
@wintermin@ajsadauskas It already has. It being the Facebook algorithm that keeps Aunt Gerty engaged, sure that COVID is a conspiracy, voting for the Tories / Trump / Pauline / Le Pen et al, and right now, if you don't know, No, refusing fluvax because "it's just a cold and doesn't work anyway", concerned about range anxiety, worried about EMF from power lines, but not from the fucking mobile phone she is using to post her latest "I don't believe in Q" gossip that she heard, and spruiking the benefits of immunity boosters like curcumin without having a fucking clue what a) immunity is b) whether or not it can be boosted with anything other than a vaccine and the adjuvants it contains and c) what curcumin is anyway. </rant>
They're not using fucking AI.Semi-retired renewable energy and M&A strategist, former software nerd based near Naarm (aka Melbourne) AU.My professional opinions are 80% at odds with the consensus (and with the benefit of hindsight, turn out to be prescient), and 20% are in alignment (and with the benefit of being able to spot the obvious, they also turn out to be correct). #ClimateChange #Energy