There's a specific reason I am intensely grateful for the podcast editions of radio shows funded with public money: no advertising. God damn it's nice to be able to listen at length to someone saying something intelligent and not be interrupted by some fuckhead trying to sell you something you don't need, all the fucking time.
Für mich heißt auf englisch "Hiring" das Einstellen von Menschen, deren direkte/r oder indirekte/r Vorgesetzte/r man sein wird. "Recruiting" ist hingegen das Anwerben von Menschen, zu denen man keinerlei Vorgesetztenverhältnis haben wird.
"Recruiting" nach dieser Definitition kann ich auf deutsch als "Anwerbung" bezeichnen. Fällt euch eine gute Übersetzung von "Hiring" in diesem Kontext ein?
@bmacDonald94 I do know about that story, but it doesn't answer the question: the paraglider doesn't ever need to float upward to descend from the top; the kite does need to gain some altitude in order to fly from the summit.
Also, Pierre Carter flew from the South Col, at 8,000m. That's "only" 90% of the height of the summit.
That's… not a bad question, even if you disregard the practicalities of needing firm ground to stand on. Sure the summit of Everest is usually windy, but is the air pressure great enough for wind resistance to fly a kite designed for roughly sea level?
In early June I pre-ordered an Audible audiobook that was set to be released on June 20. Then shortly after I got a notification saying the release was postponed to September. Scarcely 3 weeks later I get another, saying it's now coming out in late January. (The hardcover and Kindle editions are already out.)
I find this puzzling, but I also know next to nothing about the moving parts of audiobook publishing; would someone be kind enough to suggest a likely explanation?
Ich möchte drauf hinweisen, dass die Ausflüsse von Gartner für viele Manager so etwa den Stellenwert von Bibel plus Koran plus Verfassung plus Thora plus Bhagavad Gita plus gesamte Wikipedia plus neuester dämlicher Motivationsspruch aus ihrem LinkedIn-Feed haben.
“Wenn unsere Gegner sagen: Ja, wir haben Euch doch früher die […] Freiheit der Meinung zugebilligt – –, ja, Ihr uns, das ist doch kein Beweis, daß wir das Euch auch tuen sollen! […] Daß Ihr das uns gegeben habt, – das ist ja ein Beweis dafür, wie dumm Ihr seid!”
Opinion: people who staunchly prefer working with Gerrit, and consider anything else inferior, *really* love working with git-review. And if git-review were not Gerrit specific they would be just as happy with, say, GitLab.
The process that the git-review/Gerrit combo automates/enforces (one commit per change, automatically generated topic branches, change IDs with cross-project uniqueness) could also work just fine by hooking up git-review with the GitLab API.
Wer von euch lebt in einem Wasser-Versorgungsbereich mit großer Wasserhärte, hat eine Entkalkungsanlage im Haus und kann möchte dazu ein paar Erfahrungen mit mir teilen?
Good morning English speakers native and foreign! Just like yesterday, "ask" is still a verb and "action" is a noun. The forecast suggests that this state of affairs will persist tomorrow.
Humanism, open source, some music, art, and nonsense.Account is locked; a significant fraction of what I post is followers-only. Got a blank or nonsensical avatar, no visible activity, no pointers to your identity? I'll ignore your follow request. I might choose not to accept it for other reasons, too. 🙂Sometimes I ask questions here. When I do, I would ask you to please reply with your own thoughts, not an LLM's Tröts auf Deutsch derzeit unter @xahteiwi.