@linmob @awai @Liberux anyone has details on the AW-CM256SM (CYW43455 chipset) Wi-Fi, and its general expectations regarding perfs?
In my experience, one of the worst flaw in the Pinephone (A64) was its Wi-Fi chipset, and integration thereof.
The CYW43455 is the one used in recent Raspberry Pi models, which I've been told is "bad"... But I'm still not discounting it given the context. It could be a Raspberry Pi issue...
... though it reportedly still can't do WPA3, which doesn't bode well.
... but maybe there's hope(?), reportedly the Asahi Linux people have made good work around the driver it uses?
Anyways: I wonder how likely it is, that Wi-Fi is going to be the Achille's heel of this new device.