Yesterday, I said that I wanted to focus more on my upcoming post. To give each one a sense of clarity. I gave myself a reasonable deadline of starting on Day 8 of 30 so that I could continue to cut my chops here like I’m doing. Writing is its own focus, but I find what I’ve been writing to be a little too wandering, even for me.
My eventual goal is to tie everything together in a digital garden. The garden will link all my interests, research, tutorials, and anecdotal experiences together. Ideally, any post on my “garden” should let you meander your way to any other by only following links in the document or footer itself. This is a lot of work compared to the usual work of clicking upload after slapping a few buttons in there, with their own button clicks even.
I’m not sure I’ll ever move beyond Obsidian’s site hosting software. The price point is ideal for me at this time in life and it has the linking to different pages baked in. The hold up for me right now is going back, combing through, and finding the relevant documents to link. When I first started using the software, I saw it more as a gimmick and never bothered with it for three years. It’s a lot of random notes to go through and link.
This year is going to be a lot of redrawing the borders of my garden and figuring out where I want the walkways and what plants are going where. With any luck, I’ll attract a few visitors from time to time. Substack and Medium have no such features, of course, but I’ve been told those are two of the best places to get your writing out there. Though the quality here isn’t professional, I prefer sharing my development publicly so others can later compare my ideas with my execution.
As far as experiments in focusing on a single topic go, the above felt good to write. I think I’ll be able to tackle topics in small bites, at least. Again, this exercise is all about building up the writing muscle.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far, and take care till next time.