@kf I was never super into numb3rs, but that show had the single greatest techno babble scene ever aired on TV. I laugh every time. I’m laughing right now. 🤣
TIL dictionaries now define “nauseous” and “nauseated” as meaning the same thing, since it has become more common in everyday speech to use “nauseous” to describe when one is feeling sick, rather than “nauseated.”
2025 is the make-or-break year for companies with investors who want to see returns for all the dollars they’ve thrown at “AI.”
I’m reminded of a CTO of a large corporation who said earlier this year, “No one knows the winning use-case for AI. We’re all scrambling to find it, and the first one there is going to make it big.”
If no one makes it 2025, I think investors will lose interest. Many companies will continue trying to manifest something, though, because their investors will demand it.
@AnarchoNinaWrites@paninid I doubt the majority of his base is even aware of the controversy. Even if they are, I see no reason they can’t rationalize this all as “legal immigration” vs. “illegal immigration.”
@paninid@AnarchoNinaWrites They’ll make a grand performance of deporting a bunch of folks, harm a bunch of people in the process, and spin it all as “mission accomplished,” and the cult will buy it. They are in Trump’s reality distortion field.
@wez@janl I'm in the same boat. Even as someone who's been doing this over 25 years, I'm intimidated by the level of complexity. I've adapted to it, of course, but I try to stay away from front-end as much as possible 😅, and I know some of it is for the better: things that @b0rk mentioned, like VCS, deployment practices, local dev, etc., I take these for granted now, but none of these were well-established when I was starting out.
@b0rk@janl All I had to do was focus on the code. I didn’t have to learn those other pieces at the same time, which, to me, would have been pretty big hurdles. There were very few moving parts, so to speak.
@b0rk@janl I suspect there’s a large number of folks who accidentally became professional programmers in the 90s and early 00s, and I wonder if that’s something that could be replicated today, or was it unique to that time period?
@janl@b0rk I sometimes think if I were starting out now, it might be much more difficult.
Back in the day, it was easy-peasy: shared hosting with PHP, database, and FTP access. I’d just upload files, see what worked and what broke, rinse, repeat.
@inthehands@deirdresm@dch@vkc Plus, if you really want to argue with the “pure language” pedants who use Turing completeness as a definition for “real” languages, you can show that HTML5+CSS3 are Turing complete.
@dansup@privateger I was mainly thinking it might be useful as a way of limiting direct downloads, so the server doesn’t become a media server to the rest of the web.