Last night I received a #puppy. The first puppy I ever had, the first #dog on my own. I wanted one for a while and so many kind people aligned to make it happen for me. I got her for free. I had friends willing to drive 6 hours to pick her up so I could have her. And another friend gave me an old crate they had. It all happened so fast, so easily, it was meant to be. She’s sweet, gentle, super cuddly and crazy cute. A pointer husky mix. She is 2 months old. #dogsofmastodon
Good question. @Gargron can you please help or answer why I have approvals on, yet I have a bunch of followers (and some I am supposedly following) that I never approved, never followed, and CANNOT REMOVE OR BLOCK OR MUTE them. In fact my ability to block accounts seems to be severely diminished. And it seems random.
If your husband voted Republican, he is not your partner or friend. He considers himself your owner. Divorce him while you can. Get away. Do what you can. He has shown he will not defend you or have your back. He is a risk to your safety.
Every Republican voter is a rape apologist and hates women (and everyone else not white cishetero male) including you ACTIVELY.
Omg. Trump bussed out thousands of people into the middle of nowhere in Coachella, then left, and stranded them there, no way to get back. Did not provision or tell them they’d not get a ride back.
I am going to have a pre-Christmas sale of some of my #art over next few days. If there is work I’ve done that you are interested in (check out my media section) I will take 15% or more off the price, depending on the piece or size.
You can also make me a reasonable offer. My prices are by size whether personal or commissioned work, & my price list is at
I wasn’t happy with this piece…so I’m in the middle of painting over it today, changing it to profile. Still a way to go. Need to fill in, and darken the hair on the face…but overall it feels more real and less cartoon to me. It looks a bit like my grandmother when young.
Zionism and Israel is sold to Jews and the world like it’s a solution, it’s our salvation, it’s our ‘just in case’ that Jews ‘need’ it. The reality is Israel is nothing more than a larger Pale of Settlement. A bigger Jewish ghetto. Israel prevented Jews returning to Europe after the Shoah, which enabled Europe to not have to provide restitution to survivors. It meant they got rid of more Jews, even from ‘ UK & America & Russia - the Allies - permanently.
🇨🇦Artist, Intersectional Feminist, Spiritual, Nerdy. #art #portraitsMasks are visible expressions of solidarity, truth, & love. Mottos: Love all, take shit from none. Don't become what you hate.She/Her #Neuroqueer #ActuallyAutistic #cPTSD #MeToo #WhistleblowerNo racists, misogynists, TERFS, AI, Blockchain #nobotHeader: “wrong doesn’t cease to be wrong, bc majority share in it.” TolstoyProfile painting closeup of Daomadan Warrior Woman from Beijing Opera sneering & looking side-eyed.