#Germany learned nothing from the #Holocaust.
This #Carneval float implies that its ok to kill entire families of innocents if they are between you and your enemy.
#Germany learned nothing from the #Holocaust.
This #Carneval float implies that its ok to kill entire families of innocents if they are between you and your enemy.
A float portrays Semitic people as black dogs labeled with the word "HASS" (hate), and as a woman in keffiyeh with a cartoonishly large nose on a float at this year's #Carnevale parade in #Cologne.
#Germans feel emboldened to parade the streets wearing #RedFace.
#Germany has attacked #SouthAfrica's genocide case against #Israel at the #ICJ more severely than any other nation. To show the world that they wont budge from their commitment to #genocide in #Palestine, they publicly celebrate the genocide of #indigenous nations.
I was just informed by one of the admins that I have 14 days to leave functional.cafe after I called a troll doing genocide apologia in my comments a zionist ape, where should I go? What servers don't bow to the complaints of #Zionism?
Functional.cafe are claiming I'm simply a multiple offender of their rules, which i will admit is true ever since they changed their rules, but I would like for it to be clear. They changed their rules in October *specifically to accommodate Zionists complaining about my posts*, the very day a #BDS tagged post of mine blew up and became among the most shared BDS posts on the activity pub network. I initially agreed to CW political posts, but as #Israel's #genocide in #Palestine has accelerated, killing all but one of my students in Gaza along with most of their families, I've concluded that hiding this behind content warnings is itself bowing to mild repression for the sake of satisfying the demands of the most extreme oppression: genocide.
I've seen plenty of pro-genocide posts in the local server feed. I dont think they are being asked to leave or even getting their posts censored, as mine increasingly have been (even removing posts with many likes from months ago, apparently on demand).
I'm sad I'll be losing all my past posts, especially those about #lisp and #scheme that I occasionally rediscover. Where can I go that won't turn similarly sour? My time with the #fediverse may be up tbh. After being blocked and soft-blocked by nearly everyone I was buddies with in the #guix community (for years!) for being an anti-genocide Jew, and now this, its quite clear that even spaces that act like they stand for universal liberties above all are actually willing supporters of the most oppressive regimes and ideologies on the planet. At least insofar as they are #European in origin and character.
In a previous post I had mentioned that all of my students in #Gaza appear to have been killed since the massacre in #Rafah. Thank G-d, my student Mohammad has since appeared, having lost his remaining means to connect to the internet, but he and his family remain alive โ struggling to survive, fleeing intermittent drone attacks on their tent city, and bombing campaigns by the occupation forces, but still thankful to have survived thus far. My friend Sith and I have set up a #GoFundMe for him, please consider giving whatever you can; he has lost everything, and is trying to care for a family of 6 from their tent in South Gaza.
Please boost to help spread the word and help Mohammad rebuild his life from the ruins of Gaza.
Please give whatever you can.
Wow, thanks to all of you Mohammad has raised nearly $900 in just the first day of fundraising! I just texted with him and he asked me to thank everyone for their #mutualaid support for his family. Individual family relief in #Palestine is every bit as important as donating to #UNRWA (which you absolutely should as well), as #Gaza has particularly collectivist culture and the more relief any one family has, the more they are able to help each other. Especially projects like this to rebuild their destroyed homes.
Thank you everyone so much for supporting Mohammad's family, I hope that by the end of the year we can reach his goal.
"The occupation is illegal and must be brought to an immediate, unconditional and total end. The right of self-determination requires that UN member states bring Israel's occupation to an immediate end. No aid, no assistance, no complicity, no money, no arms, no trade, no nothing. All #UN members are obliged by law to end #Israel's presence on the territory of #Palestine, period."
- Center of International Courts and Tribunals Director and frequent #Hague counselor Philippe Sands' powerful testimony at the #ICJ
You gotta be sick in the head to think its better that Israeli prisoners held by Hamas in #Gaza die in war and suffer famine rather than release the prisoners requested by #Hamas (including 200 minors and countless others held illegally without trial or even being charged under administrative detention in 67 territory against international law)
"We can't risk a released prisoner becoming the next Yahya Sinwar" -- if thats true then Israel has totally fucked themselves because for every building leveled or family slain, they produce hundreds of aspiring young Yahya Sinwars
Hate to break it to you but I can already promise you that you've called it wrong, because that's not how international law works. Hamas is not a party to the genocide convention. There is no Palestinian state. The #ICJ cannot rule against Hamas, because they do not represent any sovereign authority recognized by international law; they control no borders, issue no visas, and thus cannot be charged in international criminal court. So you "calling" that ICJ will rule against Hamas is pure fanfic.
Even if there was a State of #Palestine that was party to the Genocide Convention prior to being occupied by #Israel, Palestinians are protected by Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions, which also denies Israel's right to attack the people they are occupying as "self-defense"
Israel just bombed a tent city full of #refugees who fled North #Gaza for #Rafah on the #IDF's orders.
Horrifying photos show families frantically rummaging through the carnage for the limbs of their family members. I won't reproduce them here, but they can be found on the bird site from @gazanotifications
They are murdering poor people trapped in a concentration camp, in the places they were told to flee for safety. They are killing impoverished, innocent, starving Palestinians, mostly under 30, with nowhere else to go.
This brutality is unparalleled in my lifetime. All studies show that Israel is in a class of its own, outdoing the Dresden bombings by a landslide. Saying this is not antisemitic: it is your duty, whoever you are.
I am #Jewish: spiritually, scholarly, and Litvak Ashkenazi. It's not antisemitic for me, OR ANY NON-JEW to say. In fact, its every human's duty to call for this bloodshed to cease IMMEDIATELY, and to even call for this genocidal Zionist occupation to be dismantled before there is any more blood shed. Nothing keeps my heart beating like my Arab and Muslim comrades speaking out against this barabarism every day. All while facing the harshest consequences of anyone! This ugliness would quite literally drive me to kill myself if I didn't know so many people who are so brave.
I have been doing activism in Palestine since 2012, both boots-on-the-ground defense of protestors, and teaching programming. These are not antisemites; my Palestinian friends are as close to me as any others. And I have had 6 students murdered in Gaza in 120 days. All the others are starving, fleeing from tent city to tent city, trying to survive the most hellish circumstances of drone democide any people have ever witnessed in the history of humanity. Thats a simple fact now.
If you are a goy and claim to support this in our name, WE WILL REMEMBER. The vast majority of #Jews outside of Israel who are under 40 years old are anti-Zionists today. All the fastest growing Jewish organizations of the past decade are anti-Zionist. And we will not forget those who cheered on a 21st century #Holocaust while evoking the memory of our family members killed by Nazi #Germany. Especially not the #Germans, who have been by far the worst inciters and supporters of genocide outside of #Israel.
We need an immediate international #boycott, #divestment from, and #sanctions on Israel to stop this brutality immediately! #BDS
"You look at the #polls, and 60% of Israelis say Israel is not deploying enough force. They think they're not using enough force against Gaza.
If you look at every metric out there, every study, the intensity of bombing, payloads of bombs, imprecision of bombs, destruction of civilian infrastructure, ratio of civilian to combatants killed, ratio of children to total population killed, the ratio of #children to total number of bombs used, the ratio of bombs used to total number of #children killed, ratio of #women to children to total population killed...
If you look at every metric โ there have been so many studies done โ if you look at every metric, Israel is in a class completely of its own.
You know, it doesn't even compare โ it doesn't compare... *it doesn't even compare remotely* to the allied carpet bombing of #German cities during #WWII, to the allied bombing of #Dresden โ it doesn't even compare to the bombing of Dresden!
And with all that, for 60% of the population to say... you haven't killed enough? To say you haven't destroyed enough??? You lose me, my moral imagination stops there. I'm wont go any further.
I cant see things from the concentration camp's side. I told Dr. #CornelWest, you're not gonna get me to call them brother and sister. Its not gonna happen. I have limits to my moral imagination, and just as calling a concentration camp guard brother or sister is a sacrilege on the dead, I am not going to say I can understand where the #Israelis are coming from. I won't go there. No.
Killing 8000 children in two months? That is more children killed in two months than every single combat zone between 2020, 2021, and 2022 combined. Combined. More children killed.
Who are they killing? They're killing people in a concentration camp. They're killing people in a concentration camp. They can't go anywhere. They can't flee. They're killing people in a concentration camp."
โ Dr. Norman Finklestein
"On #Oct7 at Sukot Super Nova music festival, one [nameless, faceless, unaccountable] festival goer saw a #Hamas militant rape a [nameless, faceless, cadaverless] girl while another cut off her boob & started toying with it. Then they had their way with her, and one of them shot her in the head while he was still inside her."
- #Israel's opening remarks at the #ICJ
If you have proliferated these blatantly illegitimate accusations of sexual violence (if they raped, mutilated and murdered a woman, there necessarily must be evidence, which needs to be presented to the courts wrt Habeas Corpus), which amounts to little more than a deeply racist Israeli rape fantasy in lieu of any evidence, you are guilty of the crime of public incitement to commit genocide under Article III of the Genocide Convention currently being pursued, and you may be tried as part of eventual Truth & Reconciliation Commissions in the future. That includes a ton of #German liberals in particular, who apparently learned little more than "the #Jews are to be regarded as white" from their parents and grandparents' Truth & Reconciliation Commissions.
No, you can't just accuse non-Europeans of sexual violence as you please and expect it to sanitize a genocidal response a thousand times more deadly than the #Tulsa Race Massacre. And your disregard for Habeas Corpus, among the most elementary and primitive articles of civil jurisprudence, places you in bed with reactionaries the likes of ISIS.
* Want to give a name anyway? We had a tool for that: it was called "PROGRAMMING"
* "Thats not their GIVEN name. Thats their SUR name" -- statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged.
There is a mass, international, peaceful movement to end the violence in #Palestine, with both Palestinians and Jews at the forefront, one that everyone who wants peace should support unwavering. Its the movement to Boycott, Divest from, and Sanction #Israel until they adhere to international law by granting Palestinians their full rights including following through on Resolution 194, which they agreed to as a condition for gaining recognition by the UN. Until Israel has to face consequences and international pressure for the crime of apartheid, the only recourse that Palestinians will have at their disposal is violence. They have no government, no passports, no real hospitals, no genuine representation, no course of action that could produce change available to them.
Unfortunately, #BDS is illegal in 12 US states, including NY, which I called home until it became illegal for any non-profit that receives US grants to hire me, and I used to make a living as a media artist, very much reliant on such orgs. My earnings have been cut in half of what they were before, as have most of my comrades who participated in the International Solidarity Movement from the start. Those laws aren't merely symbolic, they are aimed to destroy anyone who attempts to chart a path towards sustained peace, truth and reconciliation.
That is absolutely not true! The Vietnam war ended in the 70s, the largest demonstrations against it had largely subsided by then end of the 70s. The Vietnamese absolutely defeated the United States. There is a reason why Giรกp is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all time.
I live in Hanoi, understand the language well enough to read in Vietnamese, and know the history very well.
They were defeated!
There is no end to the US's military power. They can go on for decades and decades longer. They didn't achieve their goal, they were defeated by one of the greatest military strategists in history, and the will of the Vietnamese people to resist.
Its insanely weird to deny the victories of decades of struggle by Vietnamese people and make it about the heroism of white kids back home. It has all the qualities of white savior complex.
If popularity determined which wars happen we wouldn't have ever been in Iraq in the first place. Our protests against Iraq were larger than the 70s protests, actually, and they were simply blotted out of the news. We're still in Iraq and Syria, which have been pummeled and turned to dust. Had Vietnamese resistance not been so enduring, the US wouldn't have left there either.
They remain throughout the pacific.
"Jews don't have a chance to win in the Holocaust so they have to accept their circumstances" is all that I'm hearing.
as a Jew its unbelievably offensive to see Germans make Palestinians in Gaza, who are under seige, drained of all life sources, undergoing gradual genocide, 700 murdered in the past two days at the hands of one of the world's most technologically advanced militaries using precision weapons, out to be antisemitic. you are legitimizing a situation that resembles the Warsaw Ghetto in every capacity, in the name of Jews. get it right -- you stand on the side of Zionists, not Jews. if you aren't anti-semitic, you will be very, very careful to make sure to choose this wording in the future, especially as a German. anti-Zionist Jews are older than Israel itself. Yes, we had political orgs before the establishment of Israel, study the Bund and learn some history if you want to talk and these kinds of posts "on behalf of jews". All I see here is the use of Jewry by Germans to sustain your imperial, colonial ambitions in the world, and there is no doubt Fanon was correct when he said that the Holocaust was colonialism at home. It was no worse than what you did in Namibia. we are simply white, and thus easier for you to sympathize with, believe it or not.
antisemitism is orientalism applied to Jews. Very few Palestinians are antisemitic; its primarily those who adhere to the pan-Levantine espoused by the SSNP, which is marginal in Palestine at best. Many may be racist towards Jews, but that is a colonizer/colonized relation.
I have been doing hacker labs in Palestine since 2012. Palestinians suffer under the most extreme police state imagineable. I have been strip searched, beat and restrained by IDF officers in Hebron, and I have a white shield -- its nothing like the literal torture, rape and systematic abuse my Palestinian comrades regularly experience. the IDF sends a tank called the skunk on patrol every friday, that hoses down entire villages with a material that smells like rotten eggs and sewage, and takes weeks to go away. Israelis experience no such thing.
I have been teaching at a cultural center in Nablus for a decade, that is funded primarily by Hamas' Zakat Committees. they know I'm a Jew, and have only ever been welcoming to me. I stay there with them, I cook with them, I hang out and smoke shisha with them. whenever I've fallen on hard times, they are the first to reach out to me. they are not anti-semitic, they are resisting actual genocide.
Well if you looked deeper into your history maybe you wouldn't think that colonialism was just "maximizing prpofit without caring for lives" while the Holocaust was a unique instance of germans attempting total eradication of peoples.
von Trotha:
"I believe that the [Herero] nation as such should be annihilated, or, if this was not possible by tactical measures, have to be expelled from the country ... This will be possible if the water-holes from Grootfontein to Gobabis are occupied. The constant movement of our troops will enable us to find the small groups of this nation who have moved backwards and destroy them gradually."
Yes, the Holocaust was one of the worst genocides in history, paralleled perhaps only by the genocides of indigenous peoples of the Americas. More Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, including my family members, than there are Palestinians. but to then go to bat for a neo-Lebensraum project in the Levant shows you've learned nothing from your history, as you support a newly announced total state of seige imposed on Gaza, starving the most densley populated place on the planet in a Stalingrad fashion, for exercising their right to resist colonization, ensured by international law in UN resolution 2625.
but to understand that in a genuine capacity should lead any German who takes the total criminality of their Nazi past seriously to side with the Palestinians. Or, at the very least, be honest about who you support -- Zionists, not Jews.
do you think Gazans have the ability to leave Gaza? Do you think that they have the ability to buy medicine on the international market, or to start businesses and banks? Do you think people who are forced to subsist in the most densely populated ghetto on the planet, which is used as a giant experimental site for Israeli weapons, plummeted with white phosphorous and other chemical weapons every two years have no right to fight for their liberation?
Do you think that the MK's program of bombing of Wimpy's Burger Joints across South Africa and brought the apartheid government to a heel was just inexcusable? If so, do you hate Nelson Mandela? If not, how do you reconcile the two? He maintained that the bombings were essential to the ending of apartheid until the day he died. You can either pick colonized or colonizer, war and colonialism is brutal, and the colonizer has NEVER in history been less brutal in their crimes. Israel is no exception, making jews an exception is the WORST form of antisemitism. As Agamben notes, the exceptionalization of Jews, the making of jews as an exception to the law was precisely what enabled the Holocaust. And Palestinians exist in a similar state of juridical exception. There is no democracy in Israel, the majority of the population under the state's sovereignty has no recourse to law or a vote.
Do you think it was so wrong for us to rise up and kill 150 germans in the Warsaw Ghetto? Even if they were all "civilians", it would still be just. I hope we can agree on that. Its dangerous to think that Jews and Ukrainians should be given a certain privileges to resist, but Palestinians should have no such rights. Liberation is ugly, its not a dinner party, and Palestinians did not choose to be colonized.
Israelis, on the other hand, elect their leaders and largely approve of how Palestinians are treated like animals, made to wait in cages to visit their grandmas in the neighborhood a kilometer away, routinely sexually assaulted while passing through checkpoints, and have experimental chemical weapons deployed against them *EVERY SINGLE FRIDAY*, with drones buzzing over their heads monitoring their movement at every moment of the day.
So you're just going to deny that Hamas is fighting for liberation, while admitting the MK were? So what do you say about Desmond Tutu claiming that Hamas' resistance is just and like theirs, only the conditions they are subjected to are more brutal, fighting a much more advanced weapons manufacturer?
Thats dehumanization. You're willing to turn the other way and prop up a boogey man so that you can support a fascist state's genocide of Palestinians, which is modeled on the US trail of tears system, which inspired your government to commit the Holocaust against us.
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