Notices by Autism Simulator 2070 (
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@p @hourmutt Have you "read Hitler's shit?" Then you should know that even he was raised in an information environment where criticism of jews and jewish power was presented the same way you tried to do it by adding "DA JOOOOOOS" to your cool and cute meme image you lazily edited to present as if it's on the level as things like flat earth. It was presented as some kind of crank position and/or low status, and he admitted that within the first few chapters of Mein Kampf. Strangely enough though, you don't seem to know that for such a WELL-READ GUY who's seen it and heard it all before. Curious.
I'm not "attached to the branding" at all, but the worldview was and is correct and is why it's vilified even though people are urged to never actually read any of it or hear any of the speeches, and AI translated versions of the speeches are taken down posthaste. If jews are/were just used as a bogeyman, how do you explain things like world leaders constantly bleating about "anti-semitism" and visiting the ruined wall of a Roman fortress in the middle-east while putting on the kippah? Do you see that level of obsequiousness anywhere else? Is there is an American ITALIAN Political Action Committee? Do any of the politicians visit the ruins of the coliseum or any of those old Roman construction places and even so much as pretend to be deebly goncerened about Italians? Why not? Is that all just a happy coincidence? None of this stuff is a "secret truth," it's all out in the open and you're just a fake edgy "free speech absolutist" coward who will never actually touch any of it or anything deemed "controversial" or "extremist" to the point where those in power and their minions will actually try to go after you if you talk about it under your real name. You're just stuck doing the "I think trannies are a bridge too far guys" kind of stuff e-celebs like good old Sargon were talking about over a decade ago.
Also lefties never cared about free speech at any time you've had your fediverse instance up. They were mocking it on places like reddit by calling it FREEZE PEACH at least 15-16 years ago and saying things like "freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences." Maybe you're thinking of 30-40+ years ago pre-internet when there was lip service to free speech, when all of the gatekeepers were in place and it was easier to police and shut down wrongthinkers. I don't hate it at all, I'm confident I can win arguments which is why you have to be dishonest about things like jewish power and key involvement in virtually every top-down social change, whether it be the gay and tranny stuff, mass immigration and forced integration, anti-white policy, the "good for the economy" policy and rhetoric behind that policy that has ballooned national debts and lowered living standards and quality of life, you name it.
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@p @hourmutt You've read Buzzfeed article tier dogshit dude. You're like a text-based social media equivalent of all of the youtube e-celebs who predated you and are really brave about free speech except that
>I would never actually honestly criticize the regime on any sort of telling points that might get me into trouble
Which is exactly what trying to claim the likes of Klaus Schwab is secretly some kind of "NAZI" is, it's the fake edgy cool and hip with the kids free speech warrior dogshit where you may know better but you're just doing the thing anyway for self-aggrandizement, and it's gay. You are gay.
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@p @hourmutt Nobody's being edgy. You just bought into a lifetime of propaganda without understanding you were being subjected to it. That's why it "became unpopular" -- these people just lied about it in an environment of having full spectrum information control as well as the ability to jail or ruin the life of anyone who knew better and spoke up for the entire lifespan of just about everyone alive today so now normalfaggots reflexively see some things they don't like and exclaim "JUST LIKE HITLER LOL" even though the entire worldview was pretty much the opposite of the gay and tranny open borders "free trade" mixed-race pissworld being forced on us.
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@mushroom_soup >he's replying to a noseberg thinking the noseberg is not just lying
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@DMA @TrevorGoodchild @BarelyEagle The worst part about is that it came out of Canada.
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@TimeSpent @Diceyocean I doubt he isn't being paid by someone to post that kind of garbage that he posts.
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@dictatordave @Paultron Meanwhile
>"shy choirboy" nigger stabs a dozen girls
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@WandererUber @IAMAL_PHARIUS I think the Iran player swarmed them with small attack boats in that wargame but right now in real life you have Houthis etc. overwhelming the anti-missile systems and using drones to attack targets, and Hamas/Hezbollah running Israel's iron dome out of ammunition that then has to be restocked by Uncle Shmuel.
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@dictatordave @Twig Yeah if anyone re-industrializes even a bit, those people are out of jobs because they were doing offshored virtual slave labor rather than building anything organic and lasting. I guess some people got super rich off the exploitation but it's all unraveling now. The only question is where the manufacturing goes. Probably not back to western countries, I'd bet they just use other 3rd world or slightly better countries like Mexico.
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@PraxisOfEvil @DemonSixOne The merit is that they get funded to produce their trash and no one else does but they won't admit it because then all of their rhetoric about muh hegemonic discourse etc. just shows they inverted reality.
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@WhitestTemplar @sickburnbro It's worth noting by the way that these types of people are always trying to widen the definition of "legal" immigration to rubber stamp as many people of alien races as possible flooding in as well.
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@WhitestTemplar @sickburnbro Yes, I guarantee you him and that faggot Hanania will reject the idea that this is being done to European people in America or elsewhere when it's clearly a deliberate policy that governments keep doing even though they've known (since they have more data than us) from at latest the 1970s that it's been bad for us.
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@sickburnbro The Will Stancils of the world reject the idea that using them as a bioweapon to ethnically cleanse Europeans is a bad thing, which is why they deserve to be used as practice to figure out how the blood eagle was done.
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@sickburnbro America is probably what, max 15 years out from having states with these kinds of policies in place? It was Canada first which seems to be a ground zero testing ground for all of the worst things in the universe. The only way out is to get rid of the people creating these problems and conditions of life.
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@sickburnbro The same conditions of life minus Canadian MAID or whatever they have in the Netherlands for the same purpose exists everywhere else.
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@sickburnbro Can't name many countries where the average person is better off than the Netherlands, though. So the guy posting it is just delusional.
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@AnimeTradCath @MisterLister What causes people to troon out though, is it just mostly sociopaths looking to get some social climbing done via monkey see monkey do?
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@branman65 @BigBoss_Luffy @RehnSturm256 They're no different from really boring ecelebs on this kind of topic though. Boomerisms and/or "fuck you got mine" and wonder why no one shows up to their churches except old people or why their moobment is just going to fail.
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@sickburnbro He's right though, it is just a story. I'm agreeing with him for a different reason. It's mostly a story his people use to justify all sorts of shit like mass immigration into your country, among other vile social engineering goals.
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@Humpleupagus @lpheathen2 It's pseudo-science rationalization for "man looks like gigachad.png vs man does not look like that."
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