"We're seeing solidarity strikes right now in Sweden where Swedish mechanics are on strike against Tesla. The Finnish and Norwegian dock workers have decided to stop unloading Teslas. Postal workers have stopped delivering Tesla license plates, but that would not be allowed in the United States. The United States has very strict laws around union organizing, and solidarity strikes are not legal." https://rushkoff.substack.com/p/solidarity-as-both-means-and-end
We long ago reached the point where the social relations of production became incompatible with further development of the forces of production. It's more profitable for private equity and other vulture capital to buy up productive capacity, and asset-strip and enshittify it.
The state of Texas is recruiting volunteers to support their vital baby-drowning operation -- er, I mean defend the sacred Border against invasion. Please sign up, but BE SURE you only provide correct and legitimate information so you don't waste the state's time with childish pranks or make the site unusable! American Patriots thank you! https://tmd.texas.gov/operation-lone-star-border-support-mission
@cstross@pleaseclap@notroot@exception Well, there's also the marketing technique of using non-excludable and non-monetizable goods as free advertising for those that are excludable and monetizable. E.g. allowing free reproduction of music as advertising for concert tickets and merchandise, or making money off the support and customization work for free software.
@notroot@cstross@pleaseclap@exception Yeah, your constant refrain of "you commies," "It's mine! Mine mine mine! You're StEaLiNG!" isn't spouting bumper sticker slogans at all. Simply continuing to beg the question at issue, by asserting that "it's mine and you're stealing it," is not engaging on the topic in an intelligent manner. If anything, your initial argument about incentive was a more intelligent attempt at discussing the pros and cons of copyright than your subsequent efforts, which degenerated into mindless repetitive assertions.
@notroot@pluralistic@cstross@pleaseclap@exception@rsf92 So if they download it for free, or share copies of it that attribute it to you as the author, that's OK? Because that's what your argument that it's all about "credit" implies. Most illegal downloading of music, movies, and writing is done with the knowledge of who the actual creator was. Virtually nobody downloads a pdf of Pet Sematery with Joe Blow's name stuck on it -- they want it BECAUSE it was written by Stephen King. Once again, credit is an issue of plagiarism, not copyright as such. Copyright doesn't exist primarily to prevent people taking credit for other people's work. It exists to protect ownership of reproduction rights as a source of income. I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. Especially when it was YOU who mentioned "incentive" in your original comment on the subject. I'm done, because arguing with you is like talking to a fencepost.
@josh 1) "Democratically elected" doesn't mean much if the press isn't allowed to tell voters when the leadership is lying 2) Netanyahu actively encouraged Hamas to come to power in Gaza at the expense of the PLO and Palestinian Authority, in order to sever Gaza from the West Bank and derail the Oslo process.
Got sealioned by some guy who claimed the map that shows progressive Israeli occupation of Palestine is a myth, and as "proof" he linked to a video from... the Ayn Rand Institute. This neighborhood is really going to hell.
"While the world focuses on the Hamas massacre in Israel and Israel’s bombing of Gaza, settlers in the West Bank are taking advantage of the chaos to attack and expel Palestinians from small villages." https://ino.to/nuh1AeN
From ergopraxis on Twitter: The Israeli state "warned" the total population of northern Gaza, a million people, to "leave" in a day or be murdered. This should evoke the imagery of the Armenian genocide, the burning of Smyrna, the ethnic cleansing of Bosnians and Albanians, of murderous forced marches. This is *exactly* the face of genocide. An army forcibly displacing masses of civilians with the threat of murder, and indiscriminantly killing anyone who lags behind, whether they wouldn't abandon their homes, were too young or too old to move, didn't have enough information. This is not an analogy. This is the most recognisable aspect of what genocide and ethnic cleansing has always looked like, these have been its precise means, in nearly every recorded historical instance of it. It's not an analogy. People running frantically away from a marching army (or air-force, insignificant), forgetting or abandoning their property, losing each other in the hurry, forgetting their children, dying on the road, being killed when they lag behind or can't go on. Israel is a fascist state.
This is the same "There are no innocent civilians" rhetoric used to justify the fire-bombings of Dresden and Tokyo, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki... and the Hamas terror attack on Israeli civilians. https://www.ft.com/content/8ea2374e-c21c-4232-bc69-615e36b26caa
Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.
Israel "aided Hamas directly -- the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)," said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies.
@neonsnake Block's the one who denounced Ostrom's Governing the Commons as one of the most evil books in history because it undermined belief in private property -- and then went on to argue that what she described as commons were "really joint property." So... yeah. He's Uncle Leo without the charisma.
@HeavenlyPossum@neonsnake Yeah, they act like the Roman or modern Blackstonian concept of "private property" as an alienable commodity, or "absolute despotic dominion," is some kind of eternal category -- and then try to retroactively impose it on all kinds of collective, communal, possessory-usufeructory, and other non-propertarian forms of land governance throughout history. So the people who try to recuperate Locke by saying the "property" is only legit if it's homesteaded by actual labor, or should be limited by the Proviso, or even flat-out argue for possessive "property" have their hearts in the right place -- but attempting to redefine everything from the past in terms of the "property" paradigm is still anachronistic and counter-productive.