`Are PhDs losing their lustre? Why fewer students are enrolling in doctoral degrees`
In many countries a PhD ends you with: poor pay, poor mentoring, poor work-life balance, no noticeable edge on others in the job market in the end (and about >200K in lost income - see poor pay).
Personally I don't (fully) regret my research career, but I made sure to have fun on the way. Many are not in this privileged position.
Codeberg.org is under attack by right wing trolls over diversity, equity and inclusion. This is what you get when you enable the goons. They will spoil public resources.
This is a good illustration of Popper's paradox on why one should not tolerate intolerance.
Even if the election was fairly won this still smells like a coup or "hostile takeover" (i.e. you don't dismantle a system you do not plan to destroy or abuse).
Bambu Labs DRM firmware reverse engineered days after the release. What did they expect; that the maker and hacker community would just roll over to not own their hardware? Bad case of not being able to read the room.
"Some customers will happily accept a lettuce that's a little gross and liztruss if it means a discount." @pluralistic takedown of public choice theory and surveillance pricing on anything from lettuce to nurse's wages.
@pluralistic@Greengordon I meant as: the story line has been explored. And indeed, well written and researched. Lived near Zurich when I read it and some Swiss references were on the nose.
There is something very liminal about this place where people fear a theoretical AI apocalypse while collectively ignoring a very real and ongoing climate crisis.
The most profitable patient is one with a chronic (highly functioning) illness, not a cured one.
When I lived in the US I was always amazed by the amount of ads for painkillers and other fixes. I came to the understanding that healthcare for many was not about curing people, but about making people able to work. I've never seen so many people with chronic illnesses poorly addressed as in the US.
@ai6yr I should do a blog post on these, as a lot of science is run like this. Shining example of this attached. In hindsight this probably was way over thermal limits, and would give any fire chief a heart attack.
@pluralistic@academicchatter The parallels with the worker abuse in big tech industry are no coincidence. I've often joked that doing academic research as a Phd/post-doc is like being a part of a startup without the option to cash out on stock options.
Scathing piece on Benevolent Dictators For Life (BDFL) by @pluralistic and how they go off the rails. I can't but think about academia. Getting tenure, defacto, is gunning for being a BDFL.
If a PI finds themself "... beset by people demanding that you confront your privilege, perhaps what's changed isn't those people, but rather the amount of privilege you have."
You can easily find yourself on the wrong side of history.
Founder of BlueGreen Labs | addressing #climatechange through data driven methods in #ecology #remotesensing #phenology #foodsecurity#rstats developer | #academic omnivore | move fast and fix things | personal account | #politics, #science & #foss software | he / himThere is a crack, a crack in everythingThat's how the light gets in- Leonard Cohen