for those in the US... please be aware that the national crisis lifeline (that 988 number) will call police without consent on people in crisis. the trevor project will also. inclusive therapists has a list of lines that will not involve law enforcement without consent:
oh my god if i see the Mr. Rogers quote about what to do in times of crisis one more time... that is advice for children. not adults. if you are an adult, do not look for the helpers. be one.
there is probably a jargon-y shorthand for it. i don't care. it is an inaccessible way to write (which is ironic considering how often it gets deployed when talking about accessibility)
@inquiline@darius same, but not consistently for some reason? i disabled every goddamn auto-fill auto-complete predictive text whatever there was available to disable and STILL it does this shit. it also refuses to lowercase my name consistently.
@roadriverrail wow. just... wow. for some reason that makes me think of the Patton Oswalt bit about people with good intentions but the wrong vocabulary vs. people with bad intentions who know all the right words
the spouse did an implicit bias training today. the trainers asked the attendees to come up with back stories for people based on 4 pictures of folks of different skin color and implied class (clothing, visible hygiene). spouse, being spouse, thought they were sus and said he didn't think they had backstories because they looked like they were AI generated. trainers admitted they were. spouse then asked what prompts were used to generate the images. trainers were flummoxed. everyone got a training about implicit bias, but not the one they were expecting. I'm so proud.
meat muppet. maker of arts and maintainer of machines. temporal collage. also @rosealibi and @rosealibicallsign KR0SESi block when annoyed.managing director of @mediaarchaeologylab she/they/not he