@Catawu@mcc Prisoners don't vote in sufficient numbers to make much difference. If they did, I'd have other objections. I recently discovered I don't like criminals having any say in the laws of the land. When they are rehabilitated, they can vote again. Democracy is too blunt an instrument for improving prisons
@jbm@thomasfuchs I'm very old. Vinyl and CDs 'are my jam', as the hip cats say. I (my son actually) used MP3 then moved to FLAC on a Cowan player when FOSS picked it.
@scottjshapiro Mastodon isn't a clone. It has significant differences which create surprisingly different behaviours; as does the instance you choose and the culture of the people with the interests it serves.
Data physicist, information philosopher & network culture theorist.Writes in Obsidian, computes in Clojure, using emacs with Cider. Less is more. Small pieces, loosely joined, for emergent complexity.Agile software development with models, functions, graphs & flow. Not tech: @wootube@mastodonapp.uk