@futurebird I teach at Codebar, get so many women who thought they had to be designers or artists cos they were girls, it's ridiculous, so glad to give them a start on other options
Over 21 million votes cast in 2024 were ignored or wasted. After the most disproportionate election ever, there is a crucial parliamentary debate on 30th Jan on changing the voting system.
Politics isn’t working, our elections aren’t fair, and millions of people’s votes don’t count.
@glynmoody It's a little stupid as well, the insects will evolve and it will come to naught. Better to figure out a way of preventing from transferring the diseases they carry, this will not put any pressure on them to evolve to not carry those genes
@glynmoody Best off installing plugins like privacy badger and uBlock origin to help keep your privacy, also speeds up your Web browsing as stuff loads significantly faster without all the advertising and tracking rubbish
@glynmoody Keep on hearing rubbish like this, we are not just our brains, the body has a vast impact on how we function, I think if your plonked a brain into a different body you'd get a different person, let alone what would happen with loading it into a machine
@michael I do wish they would call the communities built round servers, communities! People understand what a community is, when asked if they would like to join the local Brighton mastodon server they look at you like you've gone mad, the same question about the local mastodon community gets a much better response. Can we please stop expecting everyone to understand the technology.
Was talking with someone about the perceived complexity of mastodon and one of the main problems seemed to be the various servers running the software were called instances. I asked that would they be interested in joining the Mastodon UK art community? And there was a positive reply so I think we should rename instances to communities, that is what they are after all. @mastodonmigration#mastodon#instance#community
Julian Blundell is a guy (he/him) who lives on the coast in Brighton, UK and enjoys walking, role-playing games, reading Scifi, watching films, eating good food and drinking good beer in lovely pubs, preferably with friends.I am a freelancer who specializes in back end development for websites and API's.I enjoy designing and implementing database and other data storage solutions, building back end code on PHP MVC frameworks and generally solving my clients challenges.