@tbernard I've been thinking of writing a piece on applying to Circle, that would also include tips about looking through the entire review checklist before applying, being somewhat responsive to the reviewers during the process, etc. Some common papercuts could totally be included in that.
I just pasted a Reddit link to share with someone privately here on Mastodon, and got notified by @Tuba that it had removed a tracking parameter from the link! This kind of QoL improvement is what I think takes an app from good to great.
Seems like there is some interest in having a local #GNOME meetup in #Oslo 🇳🇴, where I live. Not a hackfest or anything Berlin-level (yet), just an informal meeting in an easily accessible place, for both contributors and anyone else who is interested and happens to live nearby.
Does anybody here have any previous experience with this? What is it like? What is there to talk about? What kinds of venues are best suited? Any other useful pieces of advice? I could go on and on… 😂
@anselmschueler If any sort of restyling was out of the picture, we wouldn't have light/dark mode either. This system still provides app developers with full control, as they can choose to opt out. If they don't, though, there is only a limited set of possible colors to account for, as opposed to an infinite amount of arbitrary CSS.
@forteller bare å glede seg til GNOME 46 - høydepunktene inkluderer at Files, Software, Settings og hele GNOME Shell har fått flunkende nye og fullt dekkende oversettelser, og at datoen i topplinjen endelig blir korrekt formatert etter norsk rettskrivning! (fra mars 17 til 17. mars) 😁
@forteller Jobber meg gjennom Circle-appene og GNOME-kjerneappene parallelt nå, så kommer definitivt til å ta fatt på Apostrophe en gang og! Tenker kanskje det er lurt å vente til GTK4-oppdateringen er forestående 😁
@forteller I mean, it's a markdown file. It's already encoded in the same way as a text file, you can just rename it if you need to use it somewhere else 😄️
@runarcn Jeg har fortsatt en naiv tro på at oversettelsesarbeidet jeg gjør / koordinerer selv kan fylle hele systemet mitt med oversettelser av høy kvalitet en dag, men forstår at ikke alle holder ut med det. Er selv involvert i GNOME-prosjektet utenom oversettelser, og det hjelper nok en del på motivasjonen 🙂️
En av overraskelsene når jeg byttet, var at noen programmer i kommandolinjen faktisk har utdata/feilmeldinger på norsk. Akkurat dét kunne jeg vært foruten 😂️
Wayland by default in the future is a given, but what I'd really like to see is Firefox being decoupled from GTK stylesheets entirely and shipped with its stock style instead. The current obsession with shoehorning it into every desktop styling possible has, ironically enough, led to it being the most prominent element of inconsistency on a modern Fedora Workstation install.
Firefox with its stock look, proper rounded window corners and actual Wayland support feels like jumping 5 years ahead of how it's shipped by default currently.
I understand that posting on Mastodon won’t change anything, though, so does anyone here know where one should reach out to actually try to make this change happen?