@tivasyk@inventaire@older@jgoerzen I think what they call SHELVES are more like what LibraryThing calls COLLECTIONS which is seperate from what they call TAGS. I use tags to keep track of like where I bought it and stuff like that.
@jgoerzen@tivasyk I mean the Amazon come in is certainly a lot more than it used to be, like automatically using the Amazon.com source when clicking ADD BOOK from a work's page. I have used LibraryThing since before I heard of Good Reads. I now also have 2 Bookwyrm accounts. One on a smaller instance I more or less keep the same things I put on LibraryThing, but its on the 'verse so I'm being part of Free Software movement and one on the big instance that I only use for keeping up with the 100s of books in my "to read" queu. I didn't like how that would mess with "My Library" "recommendations" etc., when putting it in Library thing.
@nicholas@realcaseyrollins@feld yep! most owners don't want to bother paying for separate facilities, more labor for cleaning, etc. which is why the racists needed to create laws to force them to.