People listed in friendica by gnusocialjp
kossie こじー@屋形船3日(日)12時半
本来の名前は「Kossie」で、読みは「こじー」です。──────【ますとどんちほー以外のサーバー (インスタンス) からリモートフォローする方へ】このアカウントは基本的にますとどんちほーのローカルタイムラインに対して空リプしていることが多いのでこのアカウント単独でリモートフォローしても意味が通じないことが多々あります。フォローの前に予めご承知置きください。──────かつては や にも居たが閉鎖してしまった。──────Icon : @shiratsuki
fu fu
#FamilyMan been married for >15 years and have two daughters. Those three girls are my greatest love on this planet.I consider myself a #GNU Evangelist. Learning about what #FreeSoftware was, including GNU/Linux, opened my eyes to so many things: governments aren't the only ones stealing individual rights, I know so much less about computers than I thought I did, the idea of code, I can make a difference without having to know anyone particular.I'm employed as contract Engineer in the Metal industry. My workplace is not yet unionized, but I'm hoping to fix that. #Union member of the #IWW IU440. I don't have an engineering degree. After discovering Free Software I took my political scientist butt and found a call center job that paid for me to go to Community College to study Software Engineering, where I learned that I liked the idea of coding a lot more than I liked coding. The blessings of God put some great opportunities in my lap at just the right time.I'm a #Libertarian and ha