@Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @Doll @gh0st1984 @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @ArmadilloRancher @DrBtc @KennyWhitePowers @KiKi88 @Xenophon @d0c40r0 @feralphilosophernc @1nter4ri @DEERBLOOD @Dan_Hulson @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Monsignor_DickFace @WeissenSocken88 I love Jury Duty.
Waste weeks of your fucking life for a fraction of your salary, so you can wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to go and wait for hours on end. Also, there is only one bathroom for a group of about a hundred, and there is no free fuckin coffee.
And you have to go, unless you want to defy the government entity that holds a monopoly on violence.