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@gray @dj @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun Oh, nice. That's one of my issues with the Thinkpads after Lenovo took over: they stopped using rubberized plastic and then you get cases cracking. I went through about three T500s because they also stopped making them with steel frames, so I ended up with a hinge through the screen.
Have you seen the Hand386? Fun-looking little machines.
- Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: likes this.
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@p @gray @dj @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun The build quality on everything has gone to sh*t. They used to put nickel plates and aluminum frame reinforcements inside the 1980's and 90's game consoles. (Half the weight of the SNES was it's baseplate).
These days, your shit's made to crack apart in a couple of years. Piss poor plastics which are hyper light sensitive, no metal innards and screws made of fuckin butter.
Some bean-counting pencil-dick in accounting no doubt thought this was brilliant savings in shipping.... and the planned convalescence of the product is a sweet sweet sweet added bonus. (If not a primary consideration).
I won't forget what was taken from us.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun
> The build quality on everything has gone to sh*t.
Absolutely. You see people using still appliances from the 60s, but you almost never see anyone using appliances from the 90s.
> (Half the weight of the SNES was it's baseplate).
Iwata was obsessed with this kind of thing; he wouldn't ship the Wii until you could drop a TV on it. :pressf:
> Some bean-counting pencil-dick in accounting no doubt thought this was brilliant savings in shipping.... and the planned convalescence of the product is a sweet sweet sweet added bonus. (If not a primary consideration).
In order to hurt the resale market, Apple started offering free laser engraving for iPhones, so some companies are clearly willing to spend more money to make it harder.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @ins0mniak @sun
> which can weaken the plastic over time
Pretty much why I feel like the only thing I'd consider for yellowed stuff is painting over it. (And being careful about said paint)
Luckily most of my stuff isn't white/beige plastic.
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@p @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun
Having repaired my GB and GB Advanced SP multiple times over the years, the difference the the shell quality is notable. The original game boy "flying brick's" case is twice as thick, and despite having to clean the yellowing with peroxide and Oxy, (which can weaken the plastic over time), its near bomb-proof still.
Old consumer electronics were tanks.
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@lanodan @dj @gray @SilverDeth @p @sun My first offical computer was an hp pavilion with a dark grey case. That sucker has held up so well.
The beige cases were gross even back then, of course they were made to sit in offices, but still
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@lanodan @dj @gray @ins0mniak @p @sun
Painting would be cool, but I've yet to run into a paintjob that will keep up with the wear and tear. Even the paints baked on the SP's wear at the various contact points, revealing the grey ABS plastic underneath.
The DS Lite's had a clear-coat that held up very very well, but people complained about the finger-prints so they went to a mat finish on the DSi.
For the money, the Original Nintendo DS could play Game Boy, Game Boy Color, GBA and DS games. Once you replaced the displays with modern ones (better backlight), you have an excellent handheld that can play a huge library of games and has great build quality.
(All the various Chineseium rom-hack handhelds are made from wet cardboard and Elmer's paste - and quickly fail to anything beyond novelty use - they make modern brand-name handhelds look like tanks in contrast).
This is why I play on original hardware, and have gotten very very good at fixing it over the years. I have 6 bins of repair parts/dead systems that I salvage from.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun
> its near bomb-proof still.
Actually bomb-proof. Have you seen the Gulf War Game Boy? The cart won't come out so it's stuck playing Tetris forever, but it still works.
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@p @dj @gray @SilverDeth @ins0mniak @sun Can you still use the buttons though?
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@p @dj @gray @SilverDeth @lanodan @sun I remember that. They guy actually wrote into nintendo power with a picture of it. they sent him a brand new one.
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Mhm! The article is in the first picture! Pretty neato read, also a wholesome story about grandpa-gamer :D
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@Kirino @dj @gray @SilverDeth @p @lanodan @sun
tfw when you live long enough that gameboy players are grandparents now lol
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@ins0mniak @Kirino @dj @gray @lanodan @p @sun
My oldest turns 19 shortly. Yeah... pretty much in that territory.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @Kirino @sun Heh, im not spring chicken myself.
My only goal is to just....not do what boomers did to millennials by shitting on them all day lol
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@ins0mniak @SilverDeth @dj @gray @lanodan @sun That is the article that I posted.
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@lanodan @SilverDeth @dj @gray @ins0mniak @sun Probably not; I'd be really surprised if the rubber membranes survived.
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@p @dj @gray @SilverDeth @lanodan @sun sorry reading about it in nintendo power I mean
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@p @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun I have that issue of Nintendo power sitting not ten feet from me as I type this.
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@p @dj @gray @SilverDeth @ins0mniak @sun Well article says start/select still does and A/B just melted
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun Ha, after I moved out but before I acquired enough storage space, there were raids by younger cousins and my brother was also always looking for weed money; none of my copies of Nintendo Power survived.
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@ins0mniak @p @dj @gray @lanodan @sun
Yes they did. And Konami sent him a copy of Belmont's Revenge signed by IGA.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @sun Thats pretty cool.
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@p @lanodan @dj @gray @ins0mniak @sun
The pads are silicone - they melt at about 400 degrees. Far less than the ABS plastic of the case and buttons.
I'd bet money they still work given the solder inside the case didn't melt.
Literally military grade tanks.
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@ins0mniak @Kirino @dj @gray @lanodan @p @sun Yup, I spend a lot of time defending the kiddos from "muh-bootstraps" motherfuckers.
Our job as old farts is to make the world a good place for the kids. Not tear them down and loot them.
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Based and elder-wisdom pilled.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @Kirino @sun 100 bro
The last thing I ever want to do is shit on them for not doing things the way we did or you know, putting roadblocks in front of them for no reason.
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@Kirino @dj @gray @SilverDeth @p @lanodan @sun At least the boomers have mostly stopped constantly talking about "how they saved the world in the 60's"
oh man that was exhausting.
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@p @dj @gray @SilverDeth @lanodan @sun yeah i know i meant to say i remember reading about it. I got nintendo power in the mail
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@p @dj @gray @SilverDeth @lanodan @sun saddam couldnt even fuck up a gameboy lol
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@lanodan @SilverDeth @dj @gray @ins0mniak @sun Ah, dang. That's pretty impressive.
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@p @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun
I might be in prison for murder...
"You sold my platinum Mega Man X special edition covered NP 56 for grass cash?"
*Cocks SW686*
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun Weed money is what happened to most of the games; children destroyed the magazines.
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@p @dj @gray @SilverDeth @lanodan @sun My mom saved my comic book collection.
Im looking forward to that arriving soon.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @sun It is really cool that they did the extra mile making that thing.
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@ins0mniak @dj @gray @lanodan @p @sun
I went to PAX in 2011, and brought my (Japan Only) Game boy Light with me, and quickly attracted a small crowd as I waited in line for the Deus Ex: HR dev panel.
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@p @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun
Nintendo even applied a special protective film on the GB speaker that gave the unit a fair bit of water resistance. You could drop the thing in the toilet, and so long as you let it dry completely, and didn't power it on wet, it would most likely survive un-damaged.
Most common failure point on a "beige-brick" GB is the D-pad. The silicone pads were much thinner than the A/B buttons for some reason.
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@ins0mniak @dj @gray @lanodan @p @sun
Only a couple of the devs spoke English, most spoke French. They showed some clips of the built in sun-glasses and the crowd lots their shit (in a good way). My pal was worried they were gonna nerf the anti-globalist messaging that permeate the first game, and he waited in line to ask them if the narrative was going to change. They said it was a prequel, and showing how we reached the world of the first game.
That panel was his big thing, I haven't played the Deus Ex games, I went for the classic arcade and the concerts they had.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @sun Nice man, thats punk rock af.
how was the deus ex panel?
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @sun Im a massive fan of Deus Ex bro. I love the original, and I probably play through human revolution every 6 months or so.
They did a really good job with it IMO, Im almost glad its hibernating as a series right now because anyone trying to do it with a bunch of woke crap is just going to destroy it.
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@p @dj @gray @ins0mniak @lanodan @sun
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@ins0mniak @dj @gray @lanodan @p @sun Hrm, maybe I'll try them out.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @sun oh you so should.
I mean its based bro. Like in the first one the militia anti globalist guys are the good guys lol
No way anyone would make it in $current_year.
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@ins0mniak @dj @gray @lanodan @p @sun Ok you sold me.
Next GOG sale.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @sun do it!
I recommend the free deus ex revision mod. You can download it right from the steam store for free. It had really nice had support and textures. tho...make sure you switch it to the original soundtrack :aquaThumbsUp:
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@ins0mniak @dj @gray @lanodan @p @sun What does the revision mod add?
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @sun oh its pretty cool man. it doesn't change the game other than make it look really nice on modern screens and what not.
You know, high def textures and some graphical and light fixes.
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@ins0mniak @dj @gray @lanodan @p @sun I love passion projects like this.
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@SilverDeth @dj @gray @p @lanodan @sun oh same man, people have put so much work into preserving this game and keeping it alive for new players.
i would dare say its one of the greatest games ever made.