@sun@feld@barrett 2 wrongs don't make a right, I cannot reason with an octopus but I hope I can reason with you, and how does that justify impaling the mouths of random fish who may not have hurt anyone anyway
@sun@ambiguous_yelp@barrett@feld Orcas launch seals in the air with their tails before eating them, and scientists still don't know if it's to wear them out or just them playing with their food. They also had a "fad" where they wore salmon corpses like hats
@sun@barrett@ambiguous_yelp while I agree that humans consume too much meat and the modern factory farming practices that raise our livestocks are inhumane, it is an absolutely ridiculous idea that you can erase centuries of human culture around food and expect people to change their world views on this.
It's also a privilege for people to be able to live on a vegan diet. In many parts of the world the ingredients are not available at all or it is prohibitively expensive to only consume it. There are other arguments like convenience which is highly valued when you live in a society that works you to death.
We could probably start by lifting the subsidies that make animal byproducts so cheap so we can better achieve a price parity between animal and plant based diets, but entire production an distribution networks need to be revamped as well.
This also doesn't consider that we have entire species that would go extinct if we weren't raising them to eat them. Like the turkeys we farm. You know what happens when the President pardons the turkey for Thanksgiving? Uhhh well it goes to a farm and keeps growing and growing and then dies because it can't walk anymore. Not so different from our broiler chickens which cannot survive because we bred them selectively for food. So what do we do about that? Is it more horrific to completely eliminate them from the planet?
We can eat animals and still respect them. Buying local and from smaller farms is a great first step.
@feld@barrett@sun Some cultures do FGM or circumcision, some cultures say that women are inferior to men, some cultures say that bullfighting is ok, that eating dogs is ok, some cultures say that being gay is a crime, if your excuse for flesh eating is that some cultures allow it you have to excuse all these examples as well
@sun@ambiguous_yelp@feld i raised 12 turkeys one year. they were great! so much better than factory farmed. 10/10 recommend raising your own turkeys for thanksgiving
@sun@ambiguous_yelp@feld this is true, when they were chicks they would fall on their backs and if you did not flip them over they would just starve to death. kinda weird
@ambiguous_yelp@barrett@sun certain types of animals will go extinct because we bred them so they grow beyond normal proportions and will die on their own if not slaughtered. There's no way around it.
@feld@barrett@sun Also they probably won't go extinct anyway people look after pigs chickens turkeys as non human animal companions, and many more will be liberated to sanctuaries
@feld@barrett@sun Species don't suffer individuals do, when you say "its bad to let them go extinct" you are employing a kind of objectification where the individual bird doesnt matter, they only matter in this worldview as a member of the species because the species is an object to humans to extract resources from rather than a collection of individuals
@ambiguous_yelp@barrett@sun all kibbles are a scam and lead to digestive issues and foul-mouth AIDS. "nutritionally complete" is a lie. Dr Tom Lonsdale has been fighting the corporations on this for decades. The only reason most veterinarians believe this garbage is because in school the nutrition courses are taught by pet food company representatives.
@feld@barrett@sun One of the oldest living dogs was vegan Brambles look it up. "In this study, we confirm that clinically healthy adult dogs maintain health when fed a nutritionally complete, commercially available, plant-based diet with pea protein as a main ingredient over a twelve-month period." https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0298942
@feld@barrett@sun Maybe because the kibble is usually made of antibiotic stuffed flesh from the flesh of animals kept in very very unsanitary conditions
@ambiguous_yelp@barrett@sun also I assure you that any antibiotics from the animal have been absolutely cooked out of kibble. It's not even meat. The absolute worst byproducts of the animals are used in kibble.
In the kibble used in the study you sent the following are giant red flags:
- oatmeal (some breeds like Weimaraner have celiac disease and this will make them eventually shit blood)
- canola oil (seriously guys?)
- dried chicory root inulin (enjoy having a dog that farts like a steam engine because you had to supplement with something that helps feed unnatural gut bacteria as their body cannot break down the carbs completely on its own)
@SlicerDicer@anemone@feld@barrett@sun The actions of non-human animals in a survival situation have no bearing on human decision making when it comes to whether we should kill cows pigs chickens fish turkeys sheep ducks geese etc
@feld@sun@anemone@barrett@ambiguous_yelp Mongoose would bust the heads off my chickens in Hawaii too. Feral cats also a menace. The boar would tear up my neighbors yards. It was like 16k in fence in the acreage to keep them out.
Let's take this conversation down a different avenue.
@ambiguous_yelp, what is your opinion on e.g., deer hunting? Kangaroo in Australia?? If we are to stop killing them to control their populations, we have a rather large problem on our hands.
In the USA the insurance companies in cooperation with the DNR (Department of Natural Resources -- our gov pals involved in nature) share data on herd sizes and are a major driver behind deer hunting in the midwest. Bag/tag limits (number you're allowed to kill) are calculated every year by estimating how successful hunters will be and how many we need to kill. Insurance companies pay to ensure more get killed.
"Need" is the key word here.
If we don't deal with them they do massive destruction to crops and they cause a lot of damage when they're hit by cars. Sometimes killing people.
Most of these deer are processed into food but that's not relevant. What's important to understand is that we cannot peacefully coexist with many different wild animals because they spread disease and cause destruction. I wish we could, but we just can't. There's too many of us and we've invaded and destroyed their homes. There's nowhere for them to go.
So what do we do about this? Depopulate the planet? A massive restructuring and migration of society unlike anything ever seen before?
Killing animals just to kill animals is bad. This is why I don't hunt anymore. I don't need the meat, so I don't hunt. This was passed down to me from my dad. I was not allowed to hunt what I wasn't willing to eat (and pay for processing of the meat, in the case of deer, which can be a few hundred dollars at the butcher).
There is no clear solution to this problem. The world is complex. We need nuance when discussing these things. You can't look at the world as being binary black & white / right & wrong.
@feld@anemone@sun@barrett@ambiguous_yelp Well to be honest that cull is just to stop them from rotting everywhere. Nature has handled it for a very long time. It’s just more ideal to not have it go to waste like that. Kangaroos are very well adapted to this boom bust cycle. More so than most species.
> Kangaroos were once hunted by the country’s Indigenous population for food and by dingoes, native wild dogs whose numbers have been vastly reduced by baiting, trapping and shooting. British colonizers also built new dams and waterholes for livestock, giving kangaroos ready access to water. Now one of the only natural caps on numbers is drought, according to Radford. “You get mass starvation and mass death,” he said.
@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett@sun right in the the abstract it says that "Vegans need reliable sources of vitamin B-12, such as fortified foods or supplements." so it sounds to me like you can't just "eat plants", but now you need to add vitamins/supplements because your food is not wholesome enough.
Just because the nutrient is in the plant doesn't mean it's bioavailable.
@feld@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett@sun This is a whataboutism argument. the situation with kangaroo or deer is ethically interesting but has nothing to do with you impaling fish's mouths for fun cant you just eat plants
Let’s be real. You learn more observing them. Does this look like I’ve damaged fish at all? Not a good thing to debate the fish conservation guy in the room on.
@feld@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@barrett@sun Let’s be real though, my entire study of agriculture and raising cows, chickens and goats. To growing orchard ti greens. Has shown me one thing we don’t have enough land to population to continue meat at this rate. This is the real problem. Nothing else really matters end of the day. The forces that exert will exert.
@ambiguous_yelp@feld@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett I think anemone finished the argument, if you are an animal your existence is predicated on destructive exploitation of the environment. just gotta embrace it but you can be practical about it.
@SlicerDicer@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@barrett@sun see this right here shows how little this guy knows about nutrition. Just because it's B12 doesn't mean it's literally in the same form as in natural food sources that your body can successfully absorb. That's not how vitamins work. At all.
@feld@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett@sun b12 used to be in all the soil before monocropping, it is produced by simple bacteria and it is easy to produce in mass quantity cheaply, b12 is b12 it doesnt matter if its on your food or in a pill vegans in general have higher blood content of b12 https://doi.org/10.1080/07853890.2023.2269969
@sun@anemone@feld@SlicerDicer@barrett This is a naturalisation of capitalism and colonial conceptions of nature, lookup degrowth and deep green veganarchist ideas. A better world is possible, and it doesnt require you to eat the flesh of other thinking feeling beings
@ambiguous_yelp@feld@barrett why would i care if they live they taste good and yes it is victim blaming, you want to extent the metaphor for what if you were attacked? i wouldn't mind it. when i get attacked i refuse to speak to the police, and i still keep on fighting people. i would probably kill and eat a human aswell. carniverous violence is nature, it's correct
@maija@feld@barrett This is just victim blaming. Humans have nearly all the power in these relationships only we have the power to put down the guns and knives and let them live
@ambiguous_yelp@feld@barrett if hunting was on equal levels like cannibalism and they tried to hunt me back i'd still eat them "would you want you mouth impaled with a hook?" of course not but its fair game, my fault if i get caught
@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@feld@SlicerDicer@barrett there are buddhists that have to meticulously move every worm before they build a house because they take it the most seriously of any person on the planet and even they admit it's not enough.
@sun@anemone@feld@SlicerDicer@barrett What does that even mean, this is the ultimate goalpost shifting, a vegan can not hurt a fly and youll be like "youre metaphysically hurting them though"
@ambiguous_yelp@sun@anemone@feld@SlicerDicer@barrett i've been having trouble finishing my meal of buckwheat with fried pork over the course of 3 days cuz i was feeling like crap you gave me the power and motivation to finally do it thanks random stupid online vegan :))))
@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@feld@SlicerDicer@barrett I'm just saying there's two ways to look at it. you can try to minimize harm and never really be good enough because you're intrinsically destructive, or you can yolo it.
@SlicerDicer@anemone@feld@barrett@sun This is whataboutism, this will continue to happen whether or not you fish. A vegan world would therefore have less suffering, we can research into reducing wild harm like this too if we had the collective will
@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett@sun bacteria are shown to be able to map out their environment, hunt in packs, and cooperate. This requires thoughts and memory, which they can do without our concept of a brain.
@feld@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett@sun Bacteria don't have emotions memory thoughts or any kind of internal model of the world they are more like robots
@SlicerDicer@anemone@feld@barrett@sun Idk about that some of the people ive turned vegan sounded exactly like these people at first giving all the same excuses
@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@feld@barrett@sun Who gives a shit, that’s a statistical bias. How many did I see going and eating contaminated fish and or rejoicing in it. Being in denial of actual science of what dinoflagates were in the water. You are gonna need a hell of a lot more than 10.
This is not debate, you clearly have zero idea what anything is. You will have better results pounding sand up your ass than convincing these people. That’s my point.
@SlicerDicer@anemone@feld@barrett@sun about 10 people have gone vegan just from talking to me, 1 even messaged me years later thanking them for pushing them to do the right thing
@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@feld@barrett@sun This is called video of fish observing them in a natural habitat. I’ve been an ocean conservationist for longer than you can imagine. The only viable option to stop terminal decline is end fishing. That removes 28% of the planets food. Regardless of your feelings on the matter it’s going to happen now or later. That’s the calculus based on the load we place.
You seem to think that telling people what to do in a matter of cruelty will have any effect. Let’s be real, ordained reality isn’t enough what the hell makes you think anyone will listen to what you say?
I even documented 1600 videos of a ecosystem collapse that featured 78 species of fish I could document over 3 months. Guess what? No one cared.
Find a better thing to argue on. There won’t be any fish mouths to impale as we ruined the water. 99.5% decline since I was a child. That’s little over 30 years. The worst damage is not done by impaling, it’s the DIN:SRP maybe fight that.
@ambiguous_yelp@sun@anemone@feld@barrett We don’t generally eat heads. So not clear what this is about. Ever looked into how they pressurize them though? It’s pretty amazing. They blow the brains out with high pressure air.
@SlicerDicer@anemone@feld@barrett@sun It sounds like you're just hear to spread nihilism and to tell me to stop my advocacy, which is not helpful, if you want to save fish stop eating them.
@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@feld@barrett@sun Do you realize I’m agreeing with you in a way, yet the impossible task to stop this behavior? Till forced? Thanks for sharing.
@SlicerDicer@anemone@feld@barrett@sun It is something that the individual has direct control over though, people see fish as expendable because they see them as resources, veganism aims to change this speciesist perception
@SlicerDicer@anemone@feld@barrett@ambiguous_yelp the bottom line is that we are stewards of the planet because no other animal is capable of doing that, and that necessarily includes managing populations
@ambiguous_yelp@anemone@feld@barrett@sun That’s where you are wrong, in the course of my average day. I never once hear this nonsense of speciesism. Therefore the masses do not give a shit. I don’t give a shit about this evangelical nonsense. If you instead learned about fish counts, management practices that are flawed. The basis for our fish stocks and what makes what. You’ll see gaping holes. This is far more horrifying of an end game than seeing fish killed now. Way worse, the fact is they won’t be available and the entire ecosystem will change. Therefore we must change, this has zero to do with eating them. Eating them is not the concern. What happens when they can’t reproduce is the concern. The environment degrades, the habitat changes to diatoms, Cyanobacteria and algae. That turns everything neurotoxic or worse.
Have some real perspective of what’s happening. In fact you should encourage them to eat the fish as this goes. Then watch them get paralytic effects. What better way to teach people than with loss of mobility or even a prolapsed rectum or two?
@feld@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett@sun overfishing is a gross concept, imagine if there was a term "over cannibalising" as if there were an acceptable rate of slaughtering humans
@sun@anemone@feld@SlicerDicer@barrett Interesting how everyone who says this says nothing about managing the human population the most destructive one. Because that would be eugenics and thats bad, but fish? Their lives are expendable for "the good of the environment"
@feld@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett@sun No I'm not employing sarcsam, eugenics is bad. Its bad when you do it to humans and its bad when you do it to fish or kangaroos
@feld@anemone@SlicerDicer@barrett@sun I read the short story Pig (not the poem of the same name) by Roald Dahl the other day its now my favourite piece of writing by him if you can get by its casual antifat and antisemitic caricature of the greedy lawyer